Ch29. Tonight

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"It's been a week! How can I still do nothing! I shouldn't be even listening to you!"

"Hey! You want to see Y/n? Then be patient!"

Hunter huffed in frustration.

"Hey hunter!"

Hunter grabbed the gem and stuffed it into his pocket. Luz walked in seeing Hunter at the dinning table. "You doing alright? I heard you talking to someone"

"What? Me? No no just..talking to myself! No one else! Hehe.."

Luz stood there confused. "Well okay..Hey I'm going to head to Y/n's place again. Want me to tell her something?"

"Just um..tell her I said hi..and that I miss her"

Luz's smile softened "will do" then she walked off.

Hunter took out the gem "you have to keep your voice down for Titian sake!" Hunter whispered.

Bea frowned "stop whining, Jeez pull yourself together. Listen I can't stand with your whining and bickering. Tonight we're getting y/n back"

"Come on..float! Float!" Y/n whispered-yelled.

Her focus on a pencil on her desk, trying to get her power to work, after a week she was determined she only had it when she wore that necklace but she still tried.

Tried anything to get her out of her room. She could jump out of her window, but she isn't risking on breaking her ankles.

She groaned as she slammed her hands on her desk. She leaned back in her chair slouching. "I'm about to lose my damn mind.."

Y/n ran her hand through her hair and glanced at the window.

So what if I break my ankles? If it means to see Hunter and the others. So what

Y/n stared at the window and walked over to it.

Why did I ask for the room upstairs?

Oh right, I thought it'll be cool.

Yeah cool my ass

Y/n opened the window and looked out like she hasn't looked out for the millionth time. She looked down seeing how far she was from the ground.

The sun was already setting. Y/n walked back into her room and looked around for anything that would help prevent injures, since she is still a human.

But then there was knocks at her door. "I- Erm- One second!"

Y/n quickly but quietly shut the window and fixed her room, then headed to the door. She opened it and saw her mother holding a plate of food.

"Te hice tu comida favorita"
I made your favorite food

Y/n's eyes softened and gently grabbed the plate.

"No quieres comer con nosotros?"
You don't want to eat with us?

"No mom, I prefer to be alone-"

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