Ch17. Moments

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Luz ran over to y/n and tackled her into a hug.

"I am SO glad you're alive! I am never letting you out of my sight ever! I don't care what you say! I don't want to lose you!" Luz exclaimed tears in her eyes.

Y/n slightly smiled and wrapped one arm around her.

Luz let go.

Y/n fixed her position and looked up at Hunter who was standing in front of her.

"I'll leave you two hehe"

Luz zoomed off and into a bush.

Y/n looked down and was about to get up.

But Hunter fell to his knees making Y/n flinch.


Hunter cut y/n off by embracing her with a hug.

Warm tears feel from Hunter's eyes and onto Y/n's shoulder.

"I was so..scared. Just seeing you there lifeless. Seeing your memories around us, I thought it meant was the end. Seeing you in pain, I can't stand to seeing that. I don't know what this is, Luz said it's a romantic feeling. Love If I remember..I really don't know

But all I know, is that I don't want to lose you. Not yet. You may be human but you mean a lot to me. I want to protect you, I'll do anything just to keep you with me.."

Hunter nuzzled his face into Y/n's neck.

Then he separated.He then wiped his tears and sniffled.

"Heh, that sounds stupid no..? Well I think we should—"

"Can I..kiss you?"

"Yea—wait what?"

And there on that exact moment.

Y/n cupped Hunter's face and pulled his face close and leaned in.

Softly pressing her lips onto his.

Hunter's eyes widened at such contact.

He was unsure what to do. So he copied what Y/n did and softly kissed back.

"Can I get untied now?"

"Shh! Don't ruin their moment! Shut up!"

Luz smacked a hand on Michelle's mouth and silently squealed.

After 19 seconds they separated.

If this were an anime tv show Hunter's pupils would turn heart-shaped.

Y/n immediately turned red.

"I-I'm sorry, I just..Ugh this was a bad idea—"

"No! we do that again?"

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