Ch23. Woods

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Just run


Run back

Don't stop running

Y/n told herself running through the woods.

Y/n's being shouted from Luz in the distance.

Y/n stopped at the a abandoned house where the portal door was.

"Huh I thought your mom would be more..nicer I guess I can say"

"Well she wasn't" y/n said looking up at the floating person in front of her.

"I felt like just sitting in my home in that little necklace ya got, but I don't know. I felt like giving my opinion! Go ahead have a seat!"

Y/n was then knocked back and against to a tree not that hard.

"To give you time to cool off with alone time, with me!"

"That was me then, Pink. I'd like to think that I've changed from what I was before" y/n said looking at a memory Pink was playing in front of her.

"Think? You have changed! You've freed me from the bully of Michelle. Now I get to have fun with you and your friends! I bet your mom will come around, from what I've seen in your memories" Pink explained.

Y/n shrugged.

"Don't you humans get sick like very easily? This roof won't save you from viruses" Pink said to the wind that made the trees sway.

Y/n shrugged again.

Pink floated down and next to Y/n.

"You know you just left the golden guard alone with Luz and the others? No doubt he's in the woods right now looking for you"

Y/n head then fell to her knees that were pulled to her chest.

" pink, god I have to give you another name. But anyways, I'm trying to think of ideas alright?"

"Ideas huh? Hmm, you look very gloomy and tired. Will this wake ya up?"

"Pink what are you—"

"Glyphs is a way of magic Luz showed me to do since we're humans"

"I've never seen this done before, it's very.."

"Weird? I know. But hey it works"

Y/n stood up walking up to the memory Pink was playing in front of her.

It was a memory when Y/n was showing Hunter how to do glyphs.

"Is it like this?"

Past Hunter asked showing y/n the glyph he drew.

"Close. There is two lines in the middle"

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