Ch35. Spooky

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"Ready to have a good day today?"


Y/n smiled as she got out of her brother's car. " we're gonna have fun today, did Camila arrive?"

"I see them!" Ethan said pointing and pulled Y/n. "Careful Ethan"

"Y/n! Ethan!" Gus and Willow shouted running over to them and hugging them. "You two look adorable!" Y/n said holding their hands. "Today is going to be full of scares" Willow said evilly. Gus smiled happily "Hunter and I are from a book a read!" Y/n looked back to Camila's car and saw Hunter.

"Hunter!" Y/n ran up to up hugging him lifting him up a bit. "Gah! Oh Titan y/n!" Hunter got startled and cupped her face. "You startled me cute face"

Y/n blushed from the sudden new name "cute face?"

"I- um..slipped out!"

Y/n smiled and kissed his cheek "may I say you look dashing tonight darling!" She said and let go of Hunter. Hunter cleared his throat "I can say the same to you madam"

"Oh stop being cute you two" Evan said holding  Ethan's hand. Both y/n and Hunter separating blushing.

"You kids have fun" Camila said waving goodbye and left.

They all began to walk around and check out all the commotion "this is gonna be awesome!"

"I know what should we do?"

"Look at that!"

Amity, Gus, Willow and Hunter walked in front as Luz and Y/n stayed behind. It was kind of awkward as they walked beside each other, y/n broke the silence.


Luz turned her head in y/n's direction and hummed. "You okay? You didn't sleep didn't you"

Luz looked at the ground and shook her head y/n wrapped her arm over her shoulders. "Listen today is gonna be the best, I know it. You and Amity look adorable"

Luz blushed. "Why don't we do a hay ride?"

"Yeah..yeah yeah"

"Hey guys!"

After the hay ride where Masha talked about the brothers Witterbane everyone was now a bit off because of the story.

"Here let me help" y/n picked up Ethan, helping him down the truck. "That story was kinda scary"

"Yeah..don't worry. Nothing is gonna come get you"

Ethan was settled down and walked over to his dad. Just then she was pulled but Hunter behind the truck. "The heck? Hunter? I thought I was getting kidnapped" y/n said.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Hunter what's wrong?" Luz asked

"It's him! He's here! I saw him this time!" Hunter blabbered. "Belos?" Y/n asked

"Yes! It wasn't in my head after believe me right!?" Hunter asked looking at Luz then Y/n.

"Well, how can you be sure? What would he be doing here?"

Hunter thought for a second "titan's blood.."


"I'm not supposed to tell..but the secret code the guid mentioned. It's a puzzle, a rebus we found in the shack. Amity thinks it leads to Titan blood"

Y/n's eyes widened "Titan blood? Puzzles?Amity? Why didn't anyone say anything?"  Y/n asked.

"You guys do so much for us..we wanted to do something for you..and she's gonna surprise you with it tonight"

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