Ch21. ᴜɴɪᴛʏ

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"You guys are literally the coolest!" Luz cheered as Y/n and Willow pulled Belos away from Luz.

"We have to get him to stop the draining spell but he's all..berserk mad!"

Y/n and Willow pulling on Belos but he wouldn't stay still.

With his mass of movement the place began to crumble.

Belos then broke free making Willow fall back.


Then Belos broke free completely send y/n flying.


Willow created a soft flower below Y/n so she'd land safely.

"Y/n are you okay?..oh Titan you're bleeding!" Hunter said looking at Y/n's forehead.

"Hunter it's fine, we have to stop Belos!" Y/n shouted getting off and went to help Luz and Willow.


Y/n turned quickly seeing Belos over Hunter.

"Why are you hurting me? I only wanted to help you!"

Hunter gripped his staff "y-you're lying!"

Belos noticed his palisman.


He was about to swing at Hunter who was protecting Gus but y/n made a shield above them and pushed Belos off.

"You are that other Human aren't you! That troublemaker that Hunter was never able to bring to me!"

Belos sprung at Y/n but rolled to dodge his attack.

Belos was able to knock y/n back and to a wall.


"Oh no no no where do you think you're going!?" Belos made his hand into a hammer aiming at Hunter multiple times.

Hunter used his staff to teleport and dodge his attacks and being able to get to Y/n.

"Y/n you're okay right? Titan! Your arm!—"

"It's fine..Ow ow. Just a few scratches that's all" y/n said laughing nervously.

"Hunter! Y/n!"

Luz grabbed Amity's hand and ran over to them.

"C-can you get up!?"

Y/n hissed in pain at the cuts she had in her arms and legs.

"Here, lean against me. Hey hey it's okay" Hunter slithered his arm around Y/n's waist pulling her closer to him.

"It's okay, It's okay"

"Oh my gosh are you alright!?" Luz exclaimed.

"Luz Look out!" Willow shouted running towards them before Belos could.

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