Ch18. Reunion

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"Willow! Catch!"

"Nice one Y/n!"

Willow zoomed past Gus and Hunter putting up their first flag.

"What? How'd you do that!?" Gus asked loudly.

"Strategy!" Willow said confidently.

"I've been working on my skills with my palisman"

"Why don't you work on paying attention Princess"

Hunter teleported behind y/n grabbing the flag at the end of her staff.

"What the!? Hunter!"

Hunter laughed and zoomed off two their side to put the opposite's teams flags.

"Hunter! Over here!" Gus shouted waving.

Hunter stretched his hand out to Gus to hand him the flag.

Y/n lifted her staff up and teleported.

"You're Not the only one that can teleport!" Y/n grabbed the flag.

"Huh!? Hey! Give that back!"

"Sorry amor!"

This went on for a few hours.

"Ha! We won!" Y/n cheered hanging upside down on her staff and high-fived Willow.

"Good job guys you were close" Willow said x

"Hey, maybe next time you'll win—Oop"

Y/n slipped off her Staff and fell into Hunter's arms.
"Yep definitely next time, why don't we patch that cut in your leg"

"It's not even that big of a cut"

"Y/n, it's bleeding. Come on you are human"

"We'll be right back guys"

"I got legs remember?"

"Yeah but having you this close feels nice"


"What did you say?"

Y/n giggled "oh nothing Goldie"

"Hunter stay still you have a cut on your forehead!"

"It's not that serious.."

"Shush, your fault you mean to much to me"

"Hm glad someone is taking care of you Hunter"

Hunter flinched at the voice.


"Hello Hunter, you must be the other famous human hm? Y/n was it?" Darius walked over to them.

"Um yes that's me.." y/n said.

"What are you doing here?"

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