Ch36. Back

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"She's not coming through!" Amity shouted as she tried to pull Luz from the portal. Y/n helped quickly grabbing a hold of something and pulled.

Luz finally made it in.

"Luz! You were in there for so long! We thought you got stuck behind! Are you hurt anywhere?" Amity asked.

"I-I'm fine. I saw something, or someone. But it was probably just in my head..any sign of..him?" Luz asked. Hunter scoffed.

"Oh come on! It's not like a swarm of ghost will inexplicably appear if you say his name..I think" Hunter shouted.

"If Belos was here. He's long gone now.." he added.

"Then we better start walking, if we want to get to the collector before he does right?" Y/n asked looking at Luz. She nodded.

"Let's get a move on then" Luz exclaimed marching towards the woods.

"Okay everyone coast is clear..Hm? Oh hello!" Willow walked up to a boulder have red grass and began talking to it. Y/n noticed, stopping and walked over.

Gus used his magic to convert the grass into too tiny people. Willow and Y/n laughed as they began to walk on Willow's head.

"We don't have time to talk to grass or..whatever! Belos had a head start so we have to keep moving until we find him!" Hunter exclaimed practically yelling at them. They frowned. Y/n saw and swung her arms over their shoulders.

"He's just..wants to get this over with you know? We'll all feel better after we punch Belos's butt!" Y/n said smiling.

Gus laughed "you're always looking out for us aren't you?"

"Someone has too. Gotta make sure you two rascals are in good shape. Now come on!" Y/n grabbed their hands pulling them more into the forest.

They caught up to Hunter who stopped. They stopped as well seeing how different the boiling isles look. "Oh Titan.."

After seeing the damage the Collector has done they decided it would be best to lay low and head to the Owl house.

"You okay..?" Y/n asked Luz.

Luz looked up, not noticing Y/n was walking besides her. "What?..oh yeah! I'm fine-"

"Are you okay" y/n repeated sternly now looking at Luz. She sighed and looked at the ground. "I-I don't know. Yes? Maybe? I'm just trying to take this in right now.." y/n pulled Luz into a side hug. "I get it. We're back, woah! least we can be happy about that?"

Luz smiled "yeah, we can"

Oliver chirped flying over to Y/n's shoulder. "Any luck on your palisman?" Y/n asked pointing to Luz's pouch. "Eh not yet. Hopefully soon this rascal will crack. What you think it'll be!? I'm so excited!"

Y/n laughed at Luz's reaction. "Not sure what'll be. But I know it'll be some animal that's just like you.." y/n said smiling.

"You look..tired. My turn to as the question, are you okay.Ever since we and Hunter seem a bit distant-"

"He needs space you know? With the Belos stuff..and other things"

Luz turned her head to see Hunter walking all the way in the back. Away from everyone.

"Looks like he needs someone right now.."

"But what if I make things worse than they already are? You saw how he was acting? I don't want to ruin's fine. We'll work it out! Let's just focus on finding the house right?"

"But y/n-"

"Let's go!" Y/n nervously laughed walking much more faster. "Is she okay?" Willow asked Luz. She turned to face Willow "uh..she's just going through know with all of this going on. Just..let's keep thinking positive and we'll be fine!"

"Yeah yeah"

Back huh?

Shut up, ever since we got here you haven't been helping..

Y/n said in her mind talking to Bea.

I am! I'm telling the pure truth! You just don't want to accept it! We're back in the demon realm! What did you expect? Things are going to change

I know what you are referring..and you need to stop. Stop messing with my head!

Y/n snatched the necklace off her neck and placed it in her pocket.

"Hey we made it!" Willow said popping next to Y/n startling her.

Y/n looked up.

"There it is..

The Owl House.."

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