Ch45. Fin

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-Time Skip-
Years have passed and Luz and Y/n stayed on the Boiling Isles to rebuild what has been destroyed.

But yes after the battle at Boiling Isles Y/n headed back to the Human Realm with the help of the collector to see her family again.
"Ready to head back to them?" Luz asked smiling at Y/n as they stood in front of another door to the Human Realm. "Uh, yeah totally!—"

Luz chuckled and pulled Y/n into a side hug. "It'll be fine trust me. Everything will be fine"

Y/n nodded and slowly walked up to the door hesitantly putting her hand on the knob and twisting it. Opening it to see the cottage where it all started. It was raining. She walked through into the rain and smiled as it didn't burn her skin.

She eventually made it to their home and unexpectedly her nephew came running out and jumped into her arms. Soon came her brother and hugged her. Thankful she is okay despite the few scratches here and there.

She was happy they were okay.


The small voice of her mother croaked from behind her brother and she saw her. Tears already streaming from her eyes as she lifted up her daughter and hugged her tightly saying soft apologies.

Y/n began to cry and hugged back. In the end everything turned out good, no more villains to fight. No more Belos, no more nothing.

Time passed and there was a lot of reconstruction in the Boiling isles.

"Hunter Amor! Be careful you'll!"

"It's okay sweets! I got it—augh!?"

Y/n giggled and ran over quickly to help him as his face was now glowing pink of embarrassment.

"It's okay to ask for help love" y/n said quickly pecking a kiss on his cheek. Hunter nodded and blushed.

With all the reconstruction, y/n and Luz spend all their time in the demon realm helping their friends. And years went on and on and little by little they were able to construct a new Boiling Isles.

"Y/n? You okay? Sweets?" Hunter walked up to her as she was standing in the front of the abandoned cottage she used to live in. Which was now beautifully decorated and built well. It was now her home here. Her and Hunter's home.

Y/n nodded and sniffed. Hunter wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. "This is ours my pretty girl. Always has been right?" He said with a smirk. Y/n laughed "yeah, so many memories we had here, good and bad."

Hunter nodded and kissed her cheek. "We've grown a lot huh"

"We have Hunter..and I'm glad I was able to grow with you. Mi niño hermoso"

Hunter blushed as she used that name. Always crumbled when she called him sweet spanish names. Y/n cupped his face and gently placed her lips against his.

Life only got better.

"Can I live here too?? No wait can I visit ?? Often!! Oh please please I won't make a fuss!"
The collector said jumping up and down. He had grown a lot too.

Y/n smiled and cupped their face kissing their forehead. "Oh of course cariño. Anytime you like..just knock okay?"

The collector nodded, grown overly fond of y/n seeing her as a big sister or even mother.

"I will I will!! Will I see your ethan too?? Often?"

Y/n smiled and scooped him up. "Of course. Anytime."

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