Ch14. Mishmash

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"Boy would you just go? Can't you see y/n doesn't want to talk to you?"

"How is Ethan here!? Did you find a way back home!?" Luz asked walking next to Hunter.

"You two are annoying me" Michelle made a spell to push Hunter and Luz back.

Creating a force field around Y/n.

"Excuse us we have important business to attend to, come along"

"Wait! Y/n!"

Hunter got up quickly and ran over to them banging on the force field.

"Can we talk? please!"

Michelle groaned and y/n saw Hunter get electrocuted and fell to the ground.

"Hunter!" Y/n ran up to the force field and placed her palms on it.

"Hunter are you okay!?" Y/n asked worried.

"Stop obsessing over a boy. We don't need distractions, you remember our little deal don't you?"

Hunter looked up at Y/n who had a worried face.

Hunter placed his palm up against Y/n's. His eyes widened as their hands intertwined.

"I'm sorry Hunter"

Luz walked up to them, y/n gave her a side glance before following Michelle into the forest.

"Dang..she really must like you" Luz said smiling a bit.

"You're a lucky guy..come on. Let's find Willow and Gus" Luz said extending her arm to Hunter.

"Lucky guy? What do you mean?"

"You are GLAD you have friends now"

"I am..glad? You think I'm not glad? Does it look like I'm not glad!?"

Luz patted his back.

"It's just..I can tell you really have a thing for Y/n"

Hunter titled his head.


Luz sighed "you've got a lot to learn..for starters.."

"Unbelievable! Just unbelievable! You know you will be receiving a punishment!"

Y/n nodded playing with Ethan smiling.

"You getting caught!? At least your owl brought  what you stole"

Y/n hummed as she made spells for Ethan.

Michelle seemed to get pissed and used her magic to lift Ethan up and behind her.

"Hey! What are you doing!?—"


"Remember your place Y/n. Obey my rules and you'll get what you want. Now Ethan stays with me"

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