Ch19. The Beginning

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"I hope Luz is alright.." Gus mumbled.

"This is Luz we are talking about Gus. Although she does make stupid decisions we still got to protect her" y/n said with a laugh.

Gus smiled.

"This is it" Willow said.

"I believe we are a bit early" Hunter said looking around.

Y/n shrugged.

"So how's your little person doing?" Willow asked pointing to Y/n's pink necklace.

"Well they haven't come out in a few days. But I'm doing my best to protecting this little buddy" y/n said holding the necklace.

"Oh! I see her!" Gus shouted pointing into the air.

"Shh! Keep quiet!" Willow pulled Gus behind a bush.

Hunter slithered his arm around Y/n's waist and pulled her behind a tree.

Y/n yelped and smacked a hand against her mouth.

"Pfft was that sound from you?—wait did I hurt you!?—"

"Cállate muñeco"

Y/n covered Hunter's mouth.

"Why are we stopping?"

"To meet your security escort, Darius insisted. See ya!"

"What!? I don't need security escort!"

"Did you hear that guys?" Willow said

"Yeah, no i guess we gotta head home" Gus Replied.

"Yeah I guess so. Well it's been fun, see you around Luz the Human!" Y/n explained leaning against Hunter and waved to Luz.

"W-wait. Wait wait wait! Of course I want you around!"

Luz ran to them and they all embraced in a hug.

"I am so happy..and confused. I thought you all were hiding after what happened in Hexside" Luz said.

"They were, but then I thought why not bring them along after Hunter got ordered from Darius to protect you" y/n said smiling.

Gus coughed "more like he begged us to come since he's afraid to get recognized"

"Hunter are you really up for this? You must be dealing with a lot after learning—"

"That Belos is Evil!?—hahaha! Don't worry I'm ey-oh-kay!"


"What the..?" Luz seemed confused on Gus's and Hunter's little handshake .

"This is what happened when you go missing for days" y/n said patting Luz's back.

Hunter walked backwards and pulled Y/n and Luz away from Willow and Gus.

"Don't you dare mention that thing around them" Hunter whispered to Luz.

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