Ch22. Home

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"Mis niñas! Mis niñas!"

Camila, Luz's mom was hugging tightly Luz and Y/n.

"I was so worried that I'll never see you two"
She said, tears running down her cheeks.

"What happened to you? All of you are hurt, come! Come!"

"Camila? Quien estaba en la puerta?"
Who was at the door?

Luz took a hold of Y/n's hand and squeezed it.

Y/n's mother walked into the room.

"Hola mami" y/n said smiling awkwardly.

Y/n's mom walked over to her, shocked that her daughter was finally back.

She cupped her face and pulled her into a hug and began to cry.

Y/n missing her touch hugged back and cried a bit.

"Regresaste! Te extrañé muchísimo mi niña linda, donde estabas? Is it true you were in some world of fantasy?"
You came back! I missed you a lot, my pretty girl. Where were you?

Y/n nodded.

"(Mom/name) why don't we patch their injured, mind getting the first-aid?"

Y/n's mother nodded.

"No te vayas a ir"
Don't leave

"She isn't gonna leave me out of her sight.." y/n mumbled touching a cut she had.

An urge raised in Hunter , an urge of hugging or giving some sort of comfort towards Y/n.

But y/n already seemed confused and a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey uh guys come sit"

"Oh yes, sit sit! Make yourself at home!" Camila said.

After a while Luz and the other's got their wounds patched and healed.

Then Camila and (M/n) thought maybe having a talk with Y/n and Luz would be a good idea.

"How's your cut on your knee?" Y/n asked Hunter leaning against the couch.

Hunter was sitting on the couch.

"Feels better, weird that it was healed in the 'human' way but it's very unique"

Y/n smiled and leaned against his leg.

"How about you?" Hunter leaned forward and placed his hand on Y/n's shoulder.

"Well my scratches and cuts are patched up. Some may leave scars but it's okay" y/n said looking at Hunter giving him a reassuring a smile.

"Hey uh..Y/n"

Y/n looked up at Amity

"Luz said to meet her in the kitchen"

"Okay, thanks Amity" y/n said getting up groaning a bit.

Hunter helped her a bit "I'm okay, I'll be back"

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