Ch28. Mothers

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"Where is she?"

"She..her..Ugh how do I tell you?"

"Luz what is it? Where is she!? What happened to here? Luz!"

"Hunter calm down!"

"No blight! I'm not going to calm down! Where is my girlfriend!?"

"Girlfriend huh? So you are my daughter's boyfriend?"

Hunter turned and saw Y/n's mother. Who was holding Y/n's necklace, she walked up to Hunter and shoved it in his chest.

"Sorry but, there will no longer be anything between you two. You two are too young to be in a relationship, I appreciate you all being with my daughter while she was missing with Luz. But now she doesn't need any of you, she is with her mother now. She doesn't need any of this..whatever with magic"

"Where is Y/n?" Luz spat.

"Away from you, I knew you were a bad influence for her. Ya nunca mas quiero mi hija cerca de ti, perdóname Luz. Si quieres solo tu pero ellos no"
I never want my daughter near you, I'm sorry Luz, if you want just you but then? No.

With that she turned on her heel and left.
Luz had just the urge to talk back to her but knew if she did, it would be a mistake.

Luz turned to Hunter who was holding Y/n's necklace. Hunter slowly looked at her.

"Luz..what just happened?"

"Where is he now?"

"Up in my room..gosh why does her mom have to be like this! My mom isn't like that!"

"My mom is like hers"

"Amity..Well sorta yeah, but Ugh I don't know how to explain this..Look y/n's mom yeah she is a good mother but when it comes to her bad side coming out things aren't so good. She's very bipolar. And we—I need to speak with her very firmly and clearly. She's clearly is all 'cuckoo' with all this demons and Witches thing"

"That's a lot to take in"

"What if we sneak her out?"

"Not a bad idea Gus but right now? No"

As the rest of them were chatting Hunter was pacing around Luz's room clenching the gem in his had.

Many thoughts running through his head.

Positive and negative

Was it my fault?

It is my fault what am I talking about!?

She's better off without me..

What am I saying!?

She needs me! I'm her golden guard!

No..I need her

Ugh she's right, the boiling isles was—is a better realm!

No I'm overthinking—

I always overthinking!

Oh Titan..what do I do!? Escape and go find her?

I don't know where she lives! Does she even want to see me? She has too..right?

"Hey buddy might want to come down those thoughts it's driving me crazy!"

Hunter spun around and saw Astilbe floating in front of him.

"What—huh? What are you? How are you in—are you from this gem!?—"

"Hey, Hunter—Hunt? Nope not a good nickname—Goldy! My Y/n calls you that! Goldy take a seat why dontcha?"

Hunter furrowed his eyes and was then knocked back into one of Luz's rolling chair.

"Do me a favor and relax ok? That's what Y/n need right now. Not a paranoid Golden Guard. You're her boyfriend right? Or lover or whatever. You want to get her back right?—"

"How do you know all this? You haven't even answered my questions!"

Astilbe groaned.

"Listen Goldy. You know that gem y/n has? This one!" Bea floated down and grabbed the gem.

"I lived in here for a while! I was practically trapped in here by that witch Michelle. Gosh she was horrible! But now my Y/n my new owner! I am able to give her the power she has, well when she wears the necklace or I don't know if she has power in her blood.."

Bea explained and plotted the gem on Hunter's lap.

"With now Y/n my owner I have access to her memories! I know a bit weird but it comes in use when she's upset or sad cause I can show her the happy memories she has. Most of them with you, Ethan, Luz, her brother, a few of her mother of years ago."

"Her Memories? Isn't that invading her privacy? Did you even ask permission?"

Before Bea could talk she thought about it.

Hunter smirked "so you haven't I presume. Not much a great..uh whatever you are"

Bea huffed and wrapped Hunter in magic rope. Tightening the grip

"Don't start getting cocky, I don't think you know my name it's..y/n named me Astilbe. And I'll be sticking to that name, I may look like a kid but am sure not one. I am way older than you.."

Hunter scoffed "how old? 100 years I assume you'll say?"

"I—huh never thought of that. Not sure but I know I am older than you, so I'd like for you to give me some respect. If you don't I don't think you'll want to see what I'm capable of. Got it?"

Hunter thought for a minute then nodded.


Hunter was them released.

"Now! I'd like to get my Y/n back, I bet you want that too, so...

Let's work together shall we?"

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