Ch32. School

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"You have everything right, Mija?" Y/n's mother asked. "Yes mom. I have to go now the bus will arrive soon"

"Okay okay! Hey Y/n"

Y/n sighed as she was about to head out the door. "Yeah..?"

Her mother hesitated "Have a great day, Te quiero mucho"
I love you a lot

Y/n paused "yo tambien te quiero Mami"
I love you too mom

Y/n then rushed out the door catching the bus. Y/n walked all the way to the back sitting next to Luz. "Hey Y/n" Luz said smiling closing her sketchbook quickly.

Y/n noticed it and took her seat. "Luz"


"We've known each other for years"

"Yeah, best years of my life"

Y/n looked at her then at her sketchbook. Luz sighed and opened the sketchbook. "I miss's been months! And we're here and can't do nothing!"

Y/n sighed looking at her palms and grabbed a hold of Luz's hand "I miss them too, but don't worry. Remember you aren't alone. You got me, Hunter, Gus, Willow, Vee, your mom. And Amity~"

Luz blushed. "We're in this together"

" Amigas para siempre?"

Luz smiled "Amigas para siempre!"

Friends for ever


"Did you girls have a good day?" Camila asked.

"It was okay" y/n said looking out the window.


"Luz mija are you sure, you're friends will like the food we bought? Would they prefer to drink..blood?"


"Im sorry mija but I'm not-"

"Camila look out!" Y/n pointed to the police officer who was in front of them. "Ay Dios mío.. I didn't see them.."

"It's fine Mami" Luz said.

Y/n turned her head to see the accident and saw a mother and her daughter.


Y/n squinted her eyes to see a shadow in the forest with antlers, long ones.

Just a deer..yeah. Don't get paranoid

They soon arrived at Luz's home. Y/n got out of the car and saw Hunter walking down the stairs. She smiled and ran up to him hugging him.

"oh. Y/n..I missed you, love"

"I missed you too Hunter" y/n let go and kissed his cheek. She paused seeing Hunter worried. "Are you okay amor?" Y/n cupped his face. Hunter looked at her and touched her hands. "I..need to speak with you. And Luz"

"Hm?" Luz walked beside them. Hunter grabbed a hold of Y/n's hands. Lowering them and squeezing them.

"It's Belos.."

Y/n's eyes widened and she looked at Luz.

The three of them stood in front of the cabin. Hunter holding a rake, trembling. "We can wait for the others to-"

"No. We have to handle this on our own" Hunter said looking at Luz. Y/n standing in front of them. "I..wasn't this scared when I was the golden guard.."

"Then why don't we boost that confidence with these" Luz held two masks, specifically a mask that looks like hooty and the other King.

Y/n pulled her cap over her head lowering it for her face not to be visible. Luz grabbed a bat and y/n a metal bat.

Y/n breathed in and out before opening the door to the cabin. They walked in and went to investigate, they made their way to the basement thinking there was something dangerous but it was just a possum. They all sighed in relief. "No one's here..? I guess it was all in my head.." Hunter said

"Can't blame you for being paranoid after everything we've been through" Luz said.

"Y-yeah, you know I just wanna make sure everyone's safe"

They leaned again the wardrobe. Y/n leaned her head back "Heh, same. That includes you two" y/n said smiling. "What?"

"I gotta make sure the people I love are safe too" Y/n said.

"Same. I can't lose you both, you're family" Luz said.

"Oh.." Hunter touched by their words, he began to tear up. Y/n frowned and pulled him into a side hug. Letting him cry it out. Then he took off the mask.

"The mask is pretty gross now, haha"

Y/n smiled and held his hand. "Let's head back before anyone worries" y/n said pulling them both.

"Everything is okay..

'Belos is gone'"

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