Ch5. Talking 

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"None of your business, Golden Guard" Y/n said sternly.

"Maldito niño cree que puede preguntar me preguntas.." 
Damn boy thinks he can ask me questions..

"What? What language is that?" Hunter said.

"A language you don't know" y/n said

"What is it!?"

"You are such a child"

"I am not!— Oof!" Y/n pushed Hunter to make him fall.

Y/n headed to the to the window.

"H-hey! I will come back for you!" He shouted.

"Come alone then"

"You still have my!—cloak..Ugh. She knows my name and I don't know hers!" Hunter muttered.

His Palisman landed on his knee.

"What am I going to do Palisman?"

He chirped.

"I should give you a name..calling you Palisman doesn't feel right.."

He chirped.

"Oh, that's your name?Hm. Flapjacks..alright then"

"No Oliver..Im's too early.." y/n muttered into the pillow. Curled up still in Hunter's cloak.

Oliver pulled at it.

"I wasn't able to sleep..leave me be..I don't need another Luz here.."

"So you were friends"

By that voice it woke her up.

Pulling her beanie to cover her ears.

She turned and sprung up.

"Cloak cozy?" Hunter question with smirk plastered on his face.

"Very.." y/n fell back.

"Were you watching me sleep?" Y/n questioned.

"For a while"

"What!?" Y/n sprung up blushing.

Hunter then blushed.

"I mean—Not for a while! I was waiting for you to wake up!"

Y/n scoffed and fell back again.

"Didn't know the golden guard was a creep.." y/n muttered.

"I am not!..Ugh get out of bed"






Hunter groaned and made Y/n levitate out of bed and fall on the hard cold floor.

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