Ch8. Glow

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"No..five more minutes.." y/n muttered as she felt pecks on her shoulder.

Oliver chirped.

"Oliver What is it..?" Y/n sat up rubbing her neck.

"Oh shit this isn't my room.." she looked around noticed she wasn't in her cottage but still in Hunter's room.

Oliver chirped.

"Yeah I noticed..guess I fell asleep" y/n got up but immediately fell down gripping her left arm as a pain surged through.

"Ow ow ow..did my arm fall asleep!? God it hurts.." y/n leaned against Hunter's bed frame on the floor.

Oliver grabbed a pencil and handed it to her.

"I Don't know a healing spell Ollie.." y/n said gripping her arm harder.

She bit her lip but after a while it went away, she panted as it took energy out of her.

She looked at her arm and saw her veins glowing a light pink.

"Is this 'cause of the gem thing..? God why did I go on that mission.." y/n got up slowly.

"Is this a curse like what Eda has!?" Y/n questioned panicking.

"Am I going to have to drink..what's it called? Elixir?.." y/n stood up putting on her cloak.

She noticed a note on Hunter's desk.

Hey Y/n,
I went off to my duties. Feel free to go back to your cottage. Do not get caught, not even from the guards. I'll come by later.

Y/n smiled seeing that Hunter actually cared for her. She immediately stopped noticing she was smiling like an idiot.

"Ugh, that boy is going to be the death of me. Well he is right. I should be heading back..but could I take the chance since I'm already in the castle to find that I'll come back another time..Come on Oliver"

"Motherfucker I should have gone home!" Y/n shouted running across the halls away from the guards.

Oliver converted into a staff.

Y/n grabbed it and ran up near a window.

We gotta escape fast!...what if I teleport away—Like Hunter!

Y/n gripped the staff

How does he do this!? Teleport! Teleport!

"She jumped out! She jumped out!"

"I'll go after her!"

The guards were pushed away as a special guard jumped out after her.

"Stop! Criminal!"

Such an actor..amazing Hunter

"Alright Oliver..let's try..this!"

The golden guard pulled his staff to stop seeing Y/n was gone.

S-She..teleported away..? Where'd she go!?

Hunter turned his head and saw a pink mist trail leading into the forest.

Flapjacks flew to his shoulder.

"Did she leave that? Is she being followed!? Oh I got to follow that mist!"

Y/n clenched her arm which was bruised from the fall she took. Oliver chirped "I'm's just bruised thats all. Oh no why are my veins glowing again?!" Y/n ran her fingertips along her glowing vein.

"I see the the gem is reacting.."

Y/n turned to see a figure hovering her.

"Didn't think a human would inherit magic in the demon realm"

"Y/n! Y/n! Where are you? I told you to head home! Why didn't you head home? I should and known you wouldn't" Hunter whispered harshly.

"I hope she's ok.."

"It's the gem that me and Luz encountered that one night..." Hunter heard y/n say.

"That's right my dear. I've been keeping an eye you for the power within you to spike" Hunter walked closer to the voices and saw Y/n talking to a women a bit older than her.

"spike? What do you mean by that?" Y/n questioned.

"let me start by telling you my name. I am Michelle, the daughter of a wild witch—"


"No! Don't ever say that. I am not daughter of that..witch! Just another amazing powerful witch! She is very busy with important witch things.."

Michelle kneeled down to her about to pull her hood off but Y/n crawled back.

"No need to be afraid little one. I know your little secret. No need to hide from me.."

Hunter saw Michelle reach for Y/n's hood.

"Who says I'm a human? I am not human. I was born in the demon realm!" Y/n said pushing her hand away and struggling to get up.

"Don't be difficult Y/n. I'm just trying to help before anything gets out of control—"

"There is nothing wrong with me.."

Y/n turned away from her and grabbed her staff.

Michelle groaned and grabbed her Palisman.

"Come on. A human can't control all that power on her own.." Michelle said pointing her finger at her and making a circular motion creating magic.

"I need you to come with me—"

"I don't see that happening..." Hunter teleported in front of Y/n.

"Golden Guard. Protecting your little girlfriend i see? Don't lie. We all know you are fond of her. But anyways I'm going to have to borrow her.."

Hunter walked backwards and wrapped an arm around y/n's waist pulling her closer to her. "I'm afraid that is not going to happen.."

Hunter gripped Y/n's waist tighter

"hold on tight y/n. I'm going to try something"

"Give her here! No! Ugh Golden Guard!"

And poof, Hunter teleported away with Y/n in his arms.

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