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Y/n was awoken by gently kisses on her face and neck, she stirred. Rubbing her eyes to see her husband staring down at her with loving eyes.

"Good mornings honey" he said in his still morning voice. Y/n rubbed her eyes and smiled.

"g'morning Hunter..what time is it?" She asked. Hunter turned to the other side "it's a bit past 6:30"

Y/n hummed and cuddled up into his side closing her eyes again. "Still too early to wake up the kids.." she mumbled as she had her arm draped over Hunter's bare stomach.

Hunter cuddled her back having his chin on top of her head. "They are still snoring. Though Evelyn may wake up soon. She's an early bird."

Y/n hummed and just hugged him tighter. "It'll be tough to wake Caleb though." She muttered and smiled.

Hunter leaned and kissed her head, he sighed.

"How'd I get so lucky with you?" He murmured, smiling.

"I ask myself that everyday." Y/n lifts her head to look at him with her half-lidded eyes. He laughs and nuzzles his nose with hers. Hunter leans down and kisses her lips gently, she pushed him away gently.

"No Baby..I haven't washed up yet."

"I don't care. I want to kiss my wife" Hunter leaned down and kissed her passionately, one hand holding her cheek the other on her waist pulling her close.

Y/n smiled and kissed him back cupping his face. Hunter kissed her more intensely and moved to be on top of her, pushing his body weight on her.

She giggled "H-Hunter we can't now, we have to wake the kids soon" she smiled as he heard him groan against her lips and kissed her harder.

Y/n cupped her face and kissed him back. Then there was rapid knocking at their door. Hunter groaned and nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck putting all his weight on her.

"Mama! Papa! Are you up?"

"Hunter amor. Necesitamos levantamos"
We need to get up.

Hunter sighed and rolled over pouting staring at the ceiling. Y/n got up fixing her shirt and adjusting her shorts as she walked to the door, opening it to see her 5 year old daughter Evelyn. "Buenos días Mamá!" She said happily hugging her legs. "Hola mi amor."

Y/n picked her up and brought her to their bed laying her in the middle of Hunter and her.

Hunter rolled over and smiled. "Hi sweetie—oof!"

Evelyn jumped right on top of his stomach and smiled proudly "come on Papa! Wake up! We can't be late again! Can we ride Waffle? Or! Or! Oliver?"

Y/n giggled and picked up Evelyn off her husband's stomach. "Now now Eve. There is no need to rush cause I'll be taking you today, let's leave your father to rest more yeah? Why don't you go wake Caleb?" Evelyn smiled and nodded "yes ma'am!" She hurried off and out the room.

"That's your daughter alright" Hunter groaned as he sat up. Y/n laughed and kissed her husband's cheek. As she was about to stand up Hunter grabbed her by the waist pulling her back.


"I know I know.." he whined wanting to be more in bed with his wife. Y/n cupped his face and kissed his lips softly.

"You'll get infinite cuddles later tonight okay?"

Hunter smiled widely fell back onto the bed, remembering the day they finally got married.


6 years ago.

"Gosh Y/n you look..you look—"

"Perfect." Amity said finishing off Luz's sentence as she was already crying. Y/n looked at herself in the mirror seeing herself in her wedding dress. "Just 4 years ago he asked me to marry him. Finally graduated, and our dream came true." Y/n said smiling very hard seeing herself.

"Y/n! Hunter is ready are you—wow, you looks stunning." Willow said smiling looking at her. "Come on Amity we gotta go!" Luz pulled Amity out of the room and Willow walked over to y/n hugging her. "I'm so happy for you both..finally seeing you both happier than ever."

"Oh Willow you're gonna make me cry" y/n said smiling at Willow. "Come on, your brother is waiting to walk you down the isle"

Y/n nodded and made her way seeing her brother already tearing up.

"Ahi mi hermana se va casar"
Oh my sister is gonna get married!

Y/n nodded and locked her arm with his, walking to be in front of big doors that lead to where everyone else is. And where Hunter is anxiously waiting.

"Relax Hunter, everything will be fine" Gus said patting Hunter's back.

"Y-you're right! You're right I just—"

He paused as he turned seeing the doors opened and he saw her.

It was as if time stopped, his eyes widened and his mouth hanging seeing his soon to be wife walk towards him. Y/n giggled and stood in front of him shutting his mouth. "Hello Hunter" she mumbled. He was loss of words.

"H-hi..gosh Y/n..darling you look..like a goddess"

Y/n smiled.

"How'd I get so lucky to marry someone as special as you."


Hunter perked his head in Y/n's direction as she peeked her head out of the doorway. "You coming mi vida?"

Hunter nodded still lost in his thoughts. Y/n looked at him confused and walked over to him standing in between his legs as he sat on the bed. She cupped his face and kissed his forehead, he smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer.

"Que pasa amor?"
What's wrong love?

He shook his head and spoke in a soft and loving voice.

"I'm glad I trusted you once we met. Cause if I didn't..I wouldn't be living this dream with the most special girl in the world"


You guys want more chapters cause if not, I'm done! You two got your happy ending. Having two twins, Caleb and Evelyn. Living happily ever after in the demon realm. Anddddd I've just published my first 4 chapters of 'tied together' and Alastor x Reader fanfic! Please go read and I'm trying to update my other fanfics! Thank you all for loving this story! I hope you all enjoyed! ❤️

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