Ch9. Growing trust

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Y/n laid there on her bed, Hunter waiting for her to awake.

Oliver and Flapjacks standing on the bed's frame.

"When is she going to wake up..? It's been hours.." Hunter muttered running hands through his hair.

"Is she going to wake up..? She fainted immediately as I teleported us here.."

Hunter hid his face in his hands.

"Ow my head..Oliver stop it.." y/n muttered as she pushed Oliver away.

Hunter's eyes widened as he stood up quickly seeing y/n moving.

He sighed in relief.

Y/n sat up just to feel a pain in her side.

She hissed in pain, Hunter placed his hands gently on her shoulders too push her back down.

"Don't make any sudden moment. It won't  make the pain heal faster." Hunter said

"I had a wound?" Y/n lifted her shirt to see a bruise fading away slowly.

Y/n turned back to Hunter who was looking away.

She blushed immediately "You healed my wound without my permission!?" She asked.

"Of course I did! If not you probably wouldn't have woken up!...what!?—OH! I USED A GLYPH! I SWEAR! YOU SHOWED ME IT! GAH I SHOULD HAVE SAID THAT!" Hunter replied blushing.

"Yeah! You should have!—Ow Fuck!" Y/n gripped her side.

"You should have gone here like I said in the note I left, why didn't you? Look what your stupidity led you!" Hunter scolded.

"Why didn't you leave!? Who was that with you? And why didn't you tell me you were a human!"

Y/n's eyes widened.

She ran a hand through her hair not feeling her beanie.

"I mean, I sorta knew. I just wasn't 100 percent sure. So you are a friend of that other Human Luz!"

Y/n looked at him and gave him a serious look.

"Listen here, Golden Guard. My Friendship with Luz is over. Alright!? Why don't you keep that in your head!" Y/n poked his head and got out of bed holding her side.

Y/n grabbed her cloak and threw it over her shoulders pulling the hood over her head.

"And I don't need babysitting. Now you realized I'm human. I need to get home, and to get home I need that portal key"

"That's why you were in the castle!"

"Bingo! Now byee!"


Hunter sprinted to y/n seeing she tripped down the porch stairs.

"I am fine, do not help me.."

Hunter sighed and picked her up and settled her down on the stairs.

"Can I at least get an explanation. About you, the other human. And how you got here"

Y/n sighed "might as well since you saved me.."

"..and ever since that day I realized I was just a burden to them. I Didn't really matter I was just a person in the background. So I decided to find a way home on my own. And get back to my family..." y/n said looking at her palms which were bandaged up.

She glanced at Hunter who was staring at his hand which were fidgeting.

"There happy? I gave you an what do you want? A hug? A kiss? Want me to tell you a fairytale story?" Y/n said sarcastically with a laugh.

"What are any of those things?"

Y/n laughed.

Hunter smiled.

"Telling you this makes me feel better.." Y/n said.

"How so?"

Y/n shrugged.

"Although we met not so long ago..I guess I sorta trust you"

Y/n fell onto his shoulder.

"Also you've stuck with me for a while. If you do leave's fine. At least I'm not alone right now. Cause if I was I would have been dead by now...thanks hunter"

Hunter was flabbergasted.

Shocked since he was never shown this kind of affection.

He didn't know how to react.

"I..y/n.." Hunter moved, y/n lifted his head.

Hunter took her hands into his. Rubbing the back of her palm with his thumb.

"I want to protect you. From any harm..I.."

His grip tightened.

"I won't let anyone or anything take you away. I will get you home. Well if you'd like, I don't want to force you—"

Y/n embraced him in a hug. "You are too much Hunter. It's adorable.."

Hunter hugged back, tightly.

"Do me a favor and don't tell Luz where I am..I don't wanna see her yet" y/n muttered into his neck.

"Oh alright.."

Y/n smiled, let go and kissed his cheek quickly. "Thanks Golden Guard!" She sprung up and headed inside.

He slowly placed his fingers where she kissed.

" was that a kiss..?"

Hello readers! I wanted to post today on my birthday. So enjoy reading! I'll try and update quick.

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