Ch27. Books

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Hm, I wonder what's taking Luz so long on that call..

Y/n looked at the gem in her hands.

Rubbing its edges.

"I thought of another name for you. How does astilbe sound? It's a flower's name. I think it fits you. A nickname could be Bea. How does that sound? Sounds like a cute name for you"

Y/n said to the gem.

It shined in a rhythm.

Y/n laughed.

"Hm, I have many questions I want you to answer..but not sure if you'll want to answer them.."

"Hey! N/n! Sorry for keeping ya waiting! Why don't we head in!"

"Who were you talking to?"

"My mom! Asking how we were, doesn't matter! Let's go!"

Luz pulled Y/n into the library and there began their research.

"There is a ton of fake information.." Luz muttered.

"These people really think Eda was an alien? That's hilarious" y/n said flipping through pages.

Y/n sighed and threw the book to a side. "This is useless, we're never getting back to the boiling isles. Who knows what is going on over there—woah!?"

Luz grabbed Y/n's shoulder and pulled her close to her "look at this! An old book!"

Y/n nodded "and?"

"Maybe, since Belos—or Philip is juman maybe there is information about him!"

"Luz, sorry to burst your bubble but, I bet Philip was an ordinary guy here"

"I think not"

Y/n turned her head and saw Amity peeking from a bookcase.

"Hermosa!" Luz threw the book into Y/n's lap and ran up to Amity hugging her.


Y/n looked up acknowledging the voice.

"Hunter!" Y/n pushed the book off her lap and ran up to Hunter, practically tackling him.

"Did you call me hermosa?"

"Uh yeah, doesn't it mean beautiful?"

Y/n smiled and just kissed him, cupping his face.

"It does"

"So what are you two doing here?" Gus asked.

"Research I believe?" Willow said looking at the many books by where Luz and Y/n were sitting at.

"You know, looking for information about getting back" Luz said.

"Mind if we help?"

"Yeah, that'll be helpful"

"I got more books!" Gus said plotting the books down.

"Thanks Gus, I think that's enough. Maybe you can start looking through them? We got a lot now"

Gus nodded.

"Hey uh..where's Hunter and Y/n?" Willow asked. Luz pointed in the direction the couple went.

"They're having some alone time. They deserve it" Luz said leaning into Amity.

Amity blushed.

"These books don't have any information.." y/n whined holding the book up then placing it in her face.

Hunter took it off looking down at Y/n who had her head on his lap. "Don't give up yet, I bet there is something"

Y/n pouted and turned, facing Hunter's stomach and wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling into his chest.

Hunter smiled and stroked her hair.

"The human realm isn't so bad.."

Y/n sprung up. "What? Of course it is! The demon realm is much more interesting then here!"

Hunter frowned "So is the Human Realm!"

Y/n sighed and placed her head down onto Hunter's chest. Hunter's hands made their way to Y/n's face making her look at him.

"Tell me whats wrong"

Y/n pouted and just leaned in pressing her lips onto Hunter's shutting him up. Hunter kissed back rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

They then separated, "did you kiss me to shut me up?"

"No, I missed kissing you" y/n said kissing Hunter's cheek. Hunter blushed then smirked

"Actually..I've missed kissing you too~"

Hunter slithered his hands around Y/n's waist pulling her closer kissing her again. Y/n was taken back a bit from his sudden move but then wrapped her arms around his neck deepen the kiss.


Hunter and Y/n pulled away quickly and turned seeing Luz.


"Can um..can come here for a minute?"

Y/n looked back at Hunter, he nodded. "Okay?"

Y/n got up rustling Hunter's hair and walked over to Luz. "What's up? Everything..okay"

As I walked up next to Luz and I turned to see what or who she was looking at.

I stopped in place.


Im am so sorry, late update. I've been stuck in stranger things. I'll try and update more. Want something specific in the book? Give me ideas! I'm up for anything!

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