Ch31. Human moments

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Months have passed, the two humans and the five demons have tried everything to reconstruct the portal door.  But nothing worked, in the mean time with the witches being in the human realm. Luz, Y/n, and Camila have done everything to make their stay memorable and great for them.

"Why do I need this?" Hunter asked holding the sunscreen in his hand. "Because I don't want you getting a sunburn, here show me your face"

Hunter leaned in and y/n rubbed the lotion on his face and the rest of his body. "What about you?" Hunter asked.

"I'll do it right after I'm done with you"

Hunter looked down fiddling with his fingers. "Can I..put it on you?"  Y/n blushed by his response. "Y-yeah sure" Hunter smiled. "How much?"

"Not to much, just squeeze it once"

"Okay..mi amor?"

Y/n smiled "already memorizing the words you're learning in Spanish?"

"I memorized a few. But that one is important!"

"This movie is uh..nice" Willow said.

"They're witches and they eat children to stay alive! We don't!" Gus said. "It's all fictional Gus. Of course it isn't real, they have a different perspective on witches" Luz explained.

"But of course you guys are better than the Sanderson Sisters" y/n said holding Hunter's hand. "I gotta admit they are funny" Amtiy said with a laugh. " We got other movies if you guys would like to watch" Vee said.

"Shh! Don't be so loud! We don't want them to notice us!" Vee said in a whisper voice.

"Willow you have the camera?" Y/n whispered  to Willow. She nodded.

"They finally are on their official date!" Gus cheered. "Look look! Willow take a picture!"

"On it!"  The flash stared Luz and Amity. Luz smiled at them while Amity blushed red. Like her face turned into a tomato.

Everyone smiled awkwardly waving at them.

"I brought more lights! They were in the basement!" Gus shouted walking into the abandoned cabin. "Do these look okay?"  Willow asked making flower vines around the cabin. "They look beautiful Willow" y/n said smiling.

"Hey Luz! I found a tiny bed!"  Gus said

"That could be great for the palisman put it here!" Luz said pointing.

Y/n walked in placing another box down. "The place looks better than ever" y/n said smiling. "Right! It looks amazing!" Luz said hugging y/n. Y/n laughed and swirled her around.

"So glad you still kept this stuff" y/n added. "And I was thinking about throwing it away"

"Why! Human stuff is cool!" Gus cheered holding a vase.

"It's raining.." y/n muttered looking out the window. "Raining!? Amity! Come on!"

"What? Ah!-"

Luz sprung off her chair and pulled Amity to the door. "Wait! Luz!"

"It won't hurt you I promise, here give me your hand"

Luz grabbed Amity's hand into her own so she can feel the rain. Seeing it didn't hurt her Luz laughed as she pulled Amity outside. Y/n smiled and walked to the front door walking out feeling the rain. "Why are we outside?—Gah!"

Hunter was pushed outside by Gus falling on top of him. Vee laughed and joined them.

Y/n smiled and kneeled down to Hunter who was covered in mud. "I can't see.."

"Hold still Hunter"

Y/n wiped the mud off his face, Hunter looking up at her mesmerized by her features. "Give me your hands" Y/n pulled Hunter up. "This is Human rain right..?"

"Yep! Come on!" Y/n cheered as she pulled Hunter into the road swinging around with him. Hunter smiled and pulled y/n into his grasp twirling her around.

Hunter stopped, holding y/n up by her waist. Y/n stopped laughing as she realized Hunter paused. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing at all, my love..sorry it's just. I can't believe I have the most amazing girl in my arms" y/n blushed and rustled his hair "don't make me blush Hunter.."

"Oh but I love to do that" Y/n smiled
, cupping his face and kissing his forehead. "Just a kiss on the forehead?.." Hunter began to pout.

Hunter settled y/n down pulling her closer.

"I love you Y/n. You make me so happy.."

"And you make me feel so special Hunter..I'm totally in love with you.."

"I feel in love with you the instant we met.." Hunter leaned his head against Y/n's.

Y/n smiled "you know..I did too"

Then, Y/n leaned in pressing her lips against his. Hunter smiled against her lips and kissed back.

Both happily to be together at ease. But of course..there has to be something to ruin it.

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