Ch12. Friend?

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A very anxious witch was sitting on his bed, thoughts running threw his mind.

"W-what do I do? I can't just let her go. Should I do something? What if she is in trouble? Why am I worrying so much!?"

Flapjack flew down onto Hunter's lap.

And chirped.

Hunter sighed.

"I have an idea..but I don't like it that much.."

"Eda someone is at the door!"

"I'll get it!"

"Oh, it's the golden boy"


Luz came running to the door.

"What is it?"

Hunter nervous and rethought everything.

But there was no turning back.

He was already here.

"Your human friend is in trouble"

"Y/n!? You've seen here? Where is she? What happened? Is she okay? How do you know about her?"

"Luz relax, let him talk. He looks very anxious"

Hunter was gripping his pants.

"Hey! Golden kid! Is y/n okay? I miss my other human buddy!"

"Guys! Guys! Calm down! Let the guy speak"

Hunter sighed "so here's the thing.."

"You got more power than that human.." Michelle hissed.

" trying!" Y/n said panting.

Then she put all of her energy for her power to take over her body.

"Just like that, letting it out will let you get used to it"

Y/n began to tear up "it...hurts!"

"Yes it will. For now. Don't worry. Don't you want to see your family again? Push yourself! I know you can do it!"

Y/n gritted her teeth and tried to increase her power.

Then she couldn't anymore and collapse, panting.

Michelle groaned and put on a fake smile.

"You did your best Y/n. Let's see how you'll do tomorrow. Come along! Your room is this way!"

Michelle did a levitation spell so Y/n would float behind her.

"Now you shall rest your human body"

By now y/n has already passed out.

"Taken away!? Then we gotta go get her! I can't leave without her!  Her mom would be worried! Come on Eda we gotta go!" Luz jumped over the table and ran to the door tripping.

Hooty shut the door.

"Luz, you don't even know where this lady is or Y/n"

"She's in the forest! We gotta search there! Let's go!"

"Luz! They could be anywhere! And it's night. Why don't we search in the morning, she's a very powerful girl like you. I'm sure she's okay now. I promise we'll find her" Eda said walking up to Luz and patting her head.

"Have you been with her this whole time?" Luz asked Hunter.

"I— no. I've just been seeing her...often"

"So you have! Why didn't you tell me! She's my best friend! And I was worried sick for her! She's probably doing horrible without me!"

Hunter laughed "she's doing way better than you imagine. And by what she said, you guys aren't friends. Not anymore. I came here so I can get help to find her and to keep her safe. I'll come back tomorrow. Alright human? Now excuse me" Hunter placed his mask on.

"I have duties to do now. Thank you for your time" As hunter walked out.

Luz got furious and lunged at him taking his staff away.

"What do you know about her!? I bet this is all a trick! You still work for Belos. Does he have her locked up!? Is this a trap so I could just walk into it!?" Luz shouted gripping his staff.

"Wh-what!? No! I assure you this is not a trap! I just don't want anything happening to her! She's just a human like you. Although she is strong the power she has is not good to be inherited within a human.

From what she's told me it was your fault she has given that power! She's stressed out from it! I just came here since I know you know her. And I wanted help to find her, but if you're too busy getting angry at me then it was a waste of time coming here. Now give me my staff!" Hunter lunged at her making her collapse and fall on her butt.

Hunter grabbed his staff and brushed off his shoulders.

"I'll come back tomorrow like I said"

With that Hunter flew away.

Luz stared as Hunter's figure disappeared into the night.

Tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Luz it's okay, we'll find her. Don't worry.."

Eda said rubbing her back.

"He's was my fault"

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