Ch44. Dead

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"Wait y/n. The Collector could still be—"

"No Amity, they are on our side it's okay!" Y/n said and rushed to the collectors side helping them up. But the sudden touch the collector flinched.

"Hey bud it's okay, it's just me" y/n said with a soft smile, the collector looked up fluttering their eyes and immediately latched onto y/n.

"Woah, the collector seems to like you..quite a lot" Willow said with a chuckle.

"Looks like she's great with kids" Willow whispered to Hunter smirking.

"Yeah.." Hunter muttered smiling seeing his lover.

"She'll be a great mother and you'll be a great father"

Hunter's eyes widened and his ears went red "OKAY! I think it's best we start helping out theses demons down to safety! Yep! Let's go!" Hunter blabbered awkwardly marching to the demons who were now regaining consciousness.

Willow was giggling.

"What you say to him?" Y/n asked her, holding the Collector tightly in her grasp.

"Oh nothing important, just how you two would be great parents that's all" Willow repeating with a smirk of pride.


"Y/n what's a parent?"

"Great job Collector you did amazing" y/n said holding The Collector on her back.

Everyone who was trapped on the archives were now in town and safe. The Collector helped them down to the ground, the gang was now walking to the owl house to where Y/n thought Luz could be.

"Really! I did didn't I? We were awesome! You were amazing y/n! You weren't scared of nothing!" The collector said happily then flying off of her back and into the air to tell the others.

"What um..happened with you and Luz while we were at the archives?" Hunter asked concerned and locking his fingers with hers. Y/n laughed nervously "uh well..the collector made me and Luz have some weird dreams of you guys um then made us play their games, we almost died. We showed the collector around the boiling isles and how to make friends. We fought Belos, Belos killed Luz but she came back really cool. Then they went to kill him while me and the collector helped you guys and.."

Y/n stopped as everyone had stopped to listening and stare at her. Hunter immediately held her face, squeezing it and shouted


Then Amity and Camila shouted "LUZ DIED!?"

"YOU ALMOST DIED!? OH MY TITAN, MY Y/N" Hunter squeezed y/n tightly in a hug.

"I'm..fine now! Besides Belos is—oh god" Hunter just kept squeezing y/n tightly, murmuring god knows what.

Eventually he calmed down and they made it to the Owl House, with Hunter of course holding y/n in his arms since he was now scared something would happen to her at any minute although Belos is now dead.

The Collector told him countless times that nothing happened to her and that he apologizes for what he did but Hunter didn't listen and walked on.

"Hunter amor they—"



Amity opening the door seeing Luz ,Eda and King. Amity rushed to Luz hugging her. So did Camila.

"Hunter baby, it's okay I'm fine. I..didn't d—"

"Don't even say that word." Hunter muttered squeezing her hand. Y/n huffed and let go of his hand. "Fine then." She quickly gave a small kiss on his cheek and walked over to Eda,Luz and King hugging them tightly. Hunter walked over and Luz hugged him tightly smiling. "It's good to see you two together again!" Luz said smiling widely, squishing y/n's cheeks. Then she ran off to Amity.

Hunter wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist, pulling her closer to him. Y/n sighed and cupped his face. "Please Hunter..Mi vida I—"

He cut her off by gently placing his lips on hers, kissing her passionately. "I just got..panicked I'm sorry darling.." he muttered against your lips. Y/n smiled then spoke "I he is gone my Hunter..

He is dead..for good"

Uh yes. Hi. I'm terribly sorry for the very late update. After well the show ended and I lost interest and gained interest in Harry Potter. The owl house will always be in my heart but well I moved on. The end is near my readers. Check out my other published books!

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