2. #19 Beau Bennett (Pittsburgh Penguins)

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When you moved to Pittsburgh with your brother, you did not know how many troubles would your surname cause. Not really problems, but sometimes it seemed like your surname was a curse. Whenever you showed your ID in a club, whenever you paid with your credit card or even whenever your name was being called at the university you were studying at, you always got the same response: "Oh, are you related to Sidney Crosby?"
Sometimes your surname was a benefit, but mostly, it was a curse. However, little they knew how protective your older brother was. He never let anyone get close to you, even to look at you. And he noticed affection you were showing towards his team mate, Beau Bennett. As soon as you met Beau, there was an instant spark between you two and you knew love at the first sight was real. To make things even more complicated, Beau considered you as a friend. Plus, he had a girlfriend.

But one night, Sidney finally decided to let you go out with him and his entire team. Excited to hear that, you ran to your room, nearly knocking your poor brother down when he tried to slow you down. You opened your closet and pulled out the best pair of black jeans you had and a silky t-shirt your brother had given to you.
"Y/N, we are late! Come on!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" you yelled and almost flew down the stairs. When Sid noticed you, he lifted his brow, trying to say something, but you shut his mouth: "We are late already, remember? And we have to go," you said, trying to move him from the spot where he stood. But moving a hockey player against his will is not an easy task, so Sid let you struggle a bit, before he finally moved, chuckling under his breath.

Later at the club you realized Beau was not there yet. As much as you hated to admit it, even to yourself, you were a bit let down. You somehow expected him to be here. To hide your devastation, you sat next to a stranger and started talking to him. From time to time you glanced at Sid's direction, but he was too busy chatting with his team mates and some girls in miniskirts to notice you talking to this stranger. After few more drinks you were feeling quite adventurous and you accepted when the stranger asked you to go out of there. You went out, but as soon as the sounds of a club were behind you, he pulled you after him, his hand on your mouth so you couldn't scream for help. Even if you did, no one could hear your screams. He pushed you against the tree, whispering something in your ear while you were desperately trying to get away. Your vision was blurry from tears and you didn't see a darker tall figure approaching you. Suddenly, the grip on your waist and mouth softened and you heard someone telling your attacker to get away. Then, when there was nothing to hold you up, you collapsed and the last thing you heard before you sank into oblivion was: "Y/N, stay with me! Y/N, please."

You woke up in a your bed or maybe Sid's sofa, breathing heavily and your forehead all sweaty. You looked around and whispered: "Sid?"
But the person who sat down by your knees was not Sid, it was no one else than Beau.
"Glad you are awake," he smiled, but his eyes were still worried.
"What happened?"
"I don't want to drag you through that once again. I will tell you one day, but not today."
"Where is Sid?"
"He went to bed. You scared him, Y/N. No, you scared me," said Beau before he leaned down and kissed you.
"What about your girlfriend?"
"It's over. For few months to be exact. You think Sid would kill me if he knew I kissed you?"
"You know what? I don't care what Sid says," you said and pulled his head closer for another kiss.
How were you going to explain that to Sid? Well, maybe some other day, not today.

Fun fact (has nothing to do with a story): My birthday is also on November 27th. But the year is 1995:)

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