115. #58 Kris Letang (Pittsburgh Penguins)

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Carrie was sitting on the edge of a bathtub, looking at a pregnancy test. A positive one, in fact. And fifth pregnancy test she has taken. Fifth positive test. She smiles and wipes a small tear of happiness from the corner of her eye. Kris and her have been talking about having a baby and starting a family together for so long, have been trying for quite some time. Her mother had to go through the same issues and Carrie remembers how she was telling her how happy she was upon finding out about her pregnancy. Now Carrie understands. She understands tears of joy she has seen gather in her mother's eyes whenever she was telling her how much her only daughter means to her parents.

With shaky hands, she picks up the phone and rings her parent's number. As soon as she hears her mom's voice, always concerned about her daughter and happy at the same time to heat Carrie's voice, she breaks down: "Mom, I-I have s-somethi-ing to tell y-you."

"Carrie, honey, what's wrong?"

"N-Nothing...I...Mom, I am p-pregnant," she whispers and grasps the phone tightly. For a second the other side of the line is quiet, but then her mother actually squeals of excitement: "Oh, honey, that's the best news I have ever received! Have you told Kris?"
"Not yet...it has to be something special....Especially since it's Valentine's Day."

"Honey, don't complicate too much. When I told your father about you, I kept it simple."

"I want it to be special, mom. Kris and I have wanted a baby for so long and it has been close to impossible for us to have a bit alone time. And it's Valentine's Day."

"Baby... okay, let me know how it goes."
She hears hesitation in her mom's voice, something she has never heard before. Her mother was never shy to share her opinion loud and clear with anyone.

"Mom, is there something wrong?"

"No, sweetie. We will talk about it later. When the time is right. Say hi to Kris for me, will ya?"

"I will, mom. But we have to talk about it soon, okay? I am worried, you never sound hesitant."
"Sweetie, don't let the thought of that cloud your mind. I am happy for the both of you. What do you have planned for today?"
"Kris is out, they have pregame meeting. When he gets home, we will probably just rest for a bit and then head out for a pregame meal."

"Oh, of course, the game is tonight, right? Your father mentioned it. Who are they playing against?"
"Uh, Winnipeg Jets. And Sidney is chasing the record of 1000th point."

"That's impressive! He deserves is, I remember meeting him last year at the parade. A remarkable young man."

She chuckles – her mom's youthful affection towards Sidney Crosby can be ridiculous sometimes, but at least she is interested in hockey because of him. Actually, Sidney always asks her how her mother is doing.


"Carrie! Baby, I am home!" Kris' voice echoes through their apartment. When he gets no answer, he quickly kicks the shoes off his feet, rushing to find his girlfriend. Well, after Valentine's Day hopefully something more...

"Carrie?" he peeks in their bedroom and finds his girlfriend sleeping. Her mouth is slightly parted and her hair is somehow messy as she is hugging a pillow, but he finds her the most beautiful person that has ever walked the Earth. He softly smiles at the sight and closes the door, not wanting to wake her up or disturb her nap, eventhough he would love to just lay down next to her and wrap his arms around her. She scrunches her nose in her sleep and rolls on her other hip, taking the pillow with her. His heart flutters at the sight of her. Maybe it's his growing wish to start a family with her or maybe it's the way she is clutching the pillow to he, but something is telling him that will be her one day, holding their son or daughter. He imagines him laying next to two of the most important people in his life, holding them close to him, keeping them safe and sound. With a serene smile on his face, he slowly closes the door and heads to the kitchen. With a bottle of ice cold Isostar, he sits down on one of the bar stools at their kitchen isle. He takes a few slow sips, enjoying the coldness of the liquid cooling his body. Sleeping loyal girlfriend and safe shelter of their home, a happy family being together is exactly how he pictures their future. A child or two and perhaps a pet, and their home would be filled with loud sounds of happy family and serenity at night.

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