57. #8 Drew Doughty (LA Kings)

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For SadieSummers, hope you'll like it:)

For Christmas holidays, you took a job as Santa's helper in a local mall. You enjoy spending time with kids, making them smile and you adore how their eyes light up when they see Santa. Ironically, you don't have kids on your own, no matter how much you adore them. Your ex boyfriend left you as soon as you started talking about having kids and now you've been single for three years. And that's not the best thing that can happen to a twenty-five-year-old.
"Y/N, can you please get some more presents!?" your co-worker yells as she realizes "Santa" is running out of presents for kids.
"Yeah!" you shout back and leave your spot. Avoiding the crowd, you head to the storage, when you bump into someone.
"Oh, shit, I am so sorry," you look up and see Drew Doughty of LA Kings staring down at you, his lips curved into a smile: "No problem. Nice costume."
You blush and look down at your red dress, which ends a bit above knees, and has white fake fur on the edges: "Thank you, I guess. Now, if you excuse me..."
You hurry to the storage and take a huge sack of presents. With your free hand you grab few extra packages and hurry back. Having so much presents in your arms, you don't see where are you going and you bump into someone, but this time this someone is not a friendly hockey player.
"Watch your step, dwarf!"
"I am an elf, if you excuse me," you correct grumpy man with countless shopping bags in his hands.
"I don't care. Gosh, they are hiring klutz," he mumbles to himself as he walks away. You look around yourself, presents shattered all around the floor. With a deep sigh, you start picking them up. Your cheeks turn red as you feel people looking at that "girl with fake ears in a red Christmas dress" picking up gifts. Your silent wondering where the hell did humanity go is interrupted by the same voice, that you heard when you bumped into someone for the first time: "Need some help?"
"N-No. I am fine, thank you," you mumble and continue picking up fallen stuff. He kneels down next to you and picks up remaining packages. He waits until you stand up: "You need some help carrying those?"
"I am fine, thanks. And you really didn't have to help me..."
"It was not a problem, really. So, where should I carry these?"
You smile lightly: "Really, you don't have to help..."
"It's not a problem. I think it would be much easier if people helped each other."
"Okay. But only if it's okay with you."
"It is. By the way, never caught your name. I am Drew. Drew Doughty."
"I know who you are, I watch every Kings' game I can. My name is Y/N, by the way."
"Nice to meet you. Okay, so let's get those parcels to kids, what do you think?"
"Thank you so much for helping me, Mr. Doughty."
He laughs and to you his laugh sounds like the most beautiful sound you've ever heard: "Call me Drew, please. And anytime."
"It's Drew Doughty!" one of the kids yells and runs towards the two of you. When he approaches you, Drew kneels down again and smiles widely: "Hello there, bud. What's your name?"
"I am Matt. You guys are my inspiration."
"You play hockey?"
"Yeah. I was named a captain," small boy's face shines with pride. Drew smiles at him: "Congratulations, buddy! One day you will kick butts with pros in the NHL."
Matt's face lights up even more and he looks at you with beaming eyes: "Do you also think so?"
Now Drew looks up at you, causing you to smile: "Of course."
Both, Matt and Drew, smile at you. And that's an honest smile, which can make your day much better.
"Uh, I should get back. Mr. Doughty..."
"Drew. Please, call me Drew."
"Drew. Thank you for helping me."
"It's always pleasure helping a pretty lady. Wait, let me help you carry all those things. Matt, I hope you don't mind if I leave you alone now and help this pretty lady."
"Not at all... Mr. Doughty, can you please sign my cap?"
"Of course!" Drew pulls Sharpie pen out of his pocket and takes Matt's cap off his head. He signs it and hands it back to little boy: "Good luck with hockey, bud."
Matt looks at him with eyes wide open and nods. As you walk away from him, you look at Drew: "Bet you made this boy's day."
He grins a bit: "Well, I know everyone needs support doing what they like. And it makes me happy seeing little kids happy. I wish I had one myself."
"So do I," you admit before you can stop yourself. Then you realize what you've said and quickly add: "Oh shit, ignore what I've just said."
"Already forgotten."
In a silence he walks you to the Santa's village, where he puts down boxes and gift bags.
"Y/N, what took you so...Is this Drew Doughty?"
"Oh, gosh. Drew, I am so so sorry for dragging you into this."
"No problem. I have plenty of time. Just promise me one thing."
"Grab a coffee with me after your shift here is done, okay?"

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