114. #34 Auston Matthews (Toronto Maple Leafs)

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Your life has been a rollercoaster ride ever since you met Auston. Knowing him since his days in Zurich, Switzerland, when he played for the ZCS Lions in the Swiss National League A, you became fast friends. Maybe one of the reasons for your chemistry was also you didn't know who he was. To you, he was only a baby-faced American guy with infectious laugh and wicked sense of humor. Eventhough you have only known him since August 2015, you two shared a lot of history. He was the new guy in Zurich, Switzerland, your home town and you were a student at University of Zurich, occasionally watching hockey, but never putting too much of your energy into cheering or attending the games. Your eyes were set on one goal and one goal only – to get a degree, finish the university with stellar grades and get a job as a translator in a big company. You have always loved languages and have known since you were a kid where you want your life path to take you.

And then this brown haired American came along. And somehow, you ended up becoming his translator. Not that he needed your help, pretty much everyone knew at least a bit of English. But you were only told a young American needs your assistance with every day conversations. They didn't tell you who he was and you didn't care, as long as that would look good in your resume.

After spending some time with him, he finally told you why he moved to Switzerland. Then all those times when he didn't have time or didn't pick up the phone finally made a lot of sense, he was at the practice. And was not here to study aboard as he told you when you first met him.


"I can't believe you are going back," you sigh on his last day in Switzerland. Early June sun is shining through the curtains of his room, which has been his home for the last year. He was staying with one of his older teammates and his family, having a father figure and someone to help him keep his feet firmly on the ground all this time.

He doesn't stop packing his bags and replies with his back turned to you: "Well, it has been a good experience, but I can't wait to be back. And this time...I hope I proved myself enough to really make it to the NHL."

"I know it's the biggest league, but is actually every player's dream to play in the NHL? I mean, it brings money and all, but is it worth it?"

"It is. Believe me, it is."

You lean on the wall and look at him again. He has grown in the past year. From a shy boy he turned into a confident young man. Which you will probably never see again when he boards his plane and leaves Europe.

"Listen, Rebecca,..." he finally puts down a t-shirt he was holding in his hands and turns to you. He smiles softly: "I wouldn't be here without you. I would probably just go to the ice rink, practice, then go home. But you helped me. Introducing me to your friends, showing me around...hell, having patience to teach me German."
"Well, your German still sucks, so I wasn't that successful."

"You are probably right. But you were there for me, all along, translating everything for me. And it took me some time to find a perfect thank you gift. Which we could also call a goodbye gift..."

He hands you an envelope. With your brow slightly crooked in curiosity, you take it and spin it in your hand. He watches you as you do that and speaks up slowly: "Y'know, you have to open it to see what's inside."

"I know. I just don't know whether I want to open it. It would make your departure, our last goodbye, so...final."

He shakes his head: "Please, open it. Don't make it harder, Becky."

Hours later on the same day you find yourself at the airport, clenching the envelope with his gift in your hands. Ever since you have received it, everything has flown by in a blur of voices, colors and sights. Only at the airport you realize this is it, that he is really leaving his life in Switzerland behind, flying back to the States. Leaving you behind.

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