85. #87 Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins)

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For spcrosby, hope you'll like it and so sorry for the long wait :( Also, thank you for Mac imagine ^^

Oh, April. That time of the seasons rolled around again and you expect your boyfriend's mood to be very changeable, depending on the performance of Pittsburgh Penguins in the playoffs. Even though the race for the Stanley Cup has barely begun, you notice Sid's moodiness. They played only one game and defeated New York, but both him and you know this series is far from over. To your luck, first two games are played here, in Pittsburgh and your boyfriend comes back home to your shared apartment every night.

It is the night of the second game and you know it's better for both of you to just leave Sidney alone. Due to your injury from work, you have to stay at home. Yeah, recently broken leg is no fun for a girl who has her boyfriend playing hockey for living, especially since you always go to his games. This will be your second time not attending the game and you can sense Sidney's sadness. Before he leaves, you wish him a good luck and a great game. He gives you his adorable smile, which doesn't reach his eyes. With a gentle peck on your forehead and later a passionate kiss on your lips, he leaves your home and heads to Consol Energy Center.

You watch the game on TV and when it's obvious the Rangers tied the series 1-1, it becomes clear to you Sid will not take this lightly. And you are right, he didn't take the defeat lightly. You hear him come home as the doors slam shut and his thumping footsteps echo through your apartment.

"Y/N, where are you?!"

Going by his voice, he is pissed off beyond belief and it sounds to you like he is going to take his anger out on you with no hesitation. You gulp hard, mentally preparing yourself for coping with a pissed off boyfriend, and yell back: "Living room!"

His thumping footsteps grow louder as he is closer and you feel his presence before you see him. His rage and disappointment linger above the two of you like a dark heavy cloud and it takes unbelievable amount of your willpower to look up at him. When you do, you wish you didn't do that- his eyes are filled with rage and his jaw is tightly clenched, just like his fists.

"We lost! In front of our own fans!"

"You can't always win..."

"What do you know about anything, huh? You don't play, you only sit at home and do nothing all days!"

His words hurt you deeply. Usually, he would apologize before even finishing the sentence, but this time, he doesn't. His eyes are still full of rage and you know this time, his intention was to hurt you.

"I am sorry for having a broken leg," you try to defend yourself, but he yells: "Not my fault if you are such a klutz who can't use her own legs!"

He goes to the kitchen and soon comes back with a bottle of beer. He stops in front of you and says bluntly: "Scoot over."

Wordlessly, you pull your healthy leg to your chest and squeeze your back against the armrest, giving him plenty of place to sit. Without saying thank you, he sits down and turns on the TV. Quickly he gets to the program where the game is being replayed and throws the remote on the couch. You try to switch the channel, but he swats your hand away: "Don't."

"But, Sidney..."
"Shut up, I want to see what went wrong."

Realizing he is going to be like that for the whole night, you get up and wobble to your bedroom, where you lay in bed. Even through closed door you hear Sidney's comments and remarks about the game, which makes you feel lonelier than ever before. Soft sobs escape your lips as you drift into antsy sleep. What seems like centuries later, the bed next to you creak as Sid lays in bed. You feel him shuffle to the far end of bed and your heart breaks even more. Still, you decide to make sure he is okay: "Sid?"
"Mhm?" his voice rings through the darkness. Well, at least he isn't ignoring you...yet.

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