43. #23 Sean Monahan (Calgary Flames)

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For @habsflames04,hope you'll like it:)

Long hours of practice, countless days of hard work and dedication have finally paid off when you made it to the Canadian National Team. Plus your first time playing on the national level was in Sochi, at the Winter Olympic Games 2014.

As soon as our practice ends, your coach calls you to her office. Being known as a hardworking player who would always stick up for her team mates, you had no idea what could've been wrong. You follow your coach, sparks of irrational fear lighting inside of you.

"Please, sit, Y/N," your coach points at one of the chairs in her office, closing the door behind her.

"Do you know why are you here?"
"N-No. Please, tell me, did I do something wrong?"

"Y/N, of course not! I didn't want to tell you in front of everyone, but... scouts for the National Team are interested in you."
"Wait, do you mean... they want me to play on the national level?"

"Yes, Y/N. And I agree with them. You are fast, agile, you play fast and smart hockey. To make things short, they were sure you are the one for the national team."

You continue looking at your coach, completely shocked. Of course you wanted to play for the national team, but you never expected it'd happen that fast.

"Do you think I can make it?"
"No doubt. If anyone, you can do it. Do you want to tell your team mates or shall I tell them?"
"Can I tell them tomorrow at the morning practice?"

Your coach nods her head and before you exit her office calls you again: "I am really proud of you, Y/N."
"Thanks, coach. Wouldn't make it without your guidance."

She gives you a smile before sitting down behind her desk and letting you know the conversation is over.

You go to your locker room, where there are no other girls anymore and you change into track suit without listening to silly giggling. Outside, your mother is already waiting for you: "How was your practice?"
You plop down on a passenger's sit and answer: "Quite okay. Mom..."
"Yes, sweetie?"

"Uh... I have news for you. And for dad."

She looks at you, her eyes quite worried: "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong. I-I...well, the coach told me the scouts of the national team are interested in me," you squeal the last part, excitement oozing out of your through your words.

"Y/N, baby, I am so proud of you!" your mother hugs you and kisses your forehead.

"Thanks, mom," you smile lightly and fasten your seat belt. Ten minutes later you arrive home and you take your bag out. Your mom helps you take out your two sticks and carries them to the garage: "Give me your bag, sweetie. I can unpack it for you, I bet your father can't wait to hear the news."

For a second you hesitate, but then you drop your bag and sprint into a house.

"Dad! Where are you?"
He appears on the door stand to the living room: "What's wrong, baby girl?"
"Coach told me National Team scouts want me to try out for the national team."


You nod with a huge smile on your lips. His lips curve into a smile and he engulfs into a bear hug. Telling him that, you probably made him the proudest father alive, since he used to play hockey, but injury prevented him to star in the NHL.

"My baby girl is going to take a world," he mumbles in your hair.

That night your entire family celebrates, heading to an exclusive restaurant and later that evening your parents let you even drink wine.

Months later you are actually in a National Team and even more, you were named as one of two alternate captains. Leading the tournament in points, you are one of the most recognizable players.

While sitting on a bench, a little girl knocks on a glass. You look over and see her holding camera up with hope in her eyes. You slide down the bench and wave at her. Then you stick your tongue out, signaling her to take a photo. She quickly snaps a photo of you and her smile grown even wider, before you get on the ice.

Your skates touch the ice and you speed down the ice for the puck. When you successfully steal it off the opponent's stick, you turn to their goal, over play the entire defense line and snipe it in the net.

"That's what I'm talking about!" you shout, throwing your arms up before your teammates surround you.

Seconds before the final buzzer sounds, you realize you are new world champions.

"Well done, girls!" you hug your teammates while you celebrate your win loudly. Your captain whispers to your ear: "There is Sean Monahan on the stands", making you turn around quickly. And you really notice him, standing among the other fans and clapping his hands. Your eyes meet and you feel yourself blushing slightly. Luckily, your teammates don't notice or even if they do, they probably think it's from playing hard.

After saluting fans, few interviews and countless hand-shakes, you finally get to a locker room. But before you can enter, someone calls your name, making you turn around and find yourself face to face with Sean.

"Uh, yes?"
"Y/N, right?" he asks awkwardly and looks down. You blush a bit and mumble quiet: "Yes."
"I've wanted to meet you since the first day of the tournament, but... Oh, I am Sean Monahan."
"Of Calgary Flames? I know who you are," you smile light-heartedly. When he looks at you with surprised expression, you chuckle: "I don't only play hockey."

"A Calgary fan?"
"Die hard, born and raised. And that before you got drafted," you tease him, referring to fans you know, who started liking Flames when Sean got drafted.

"Oh, I thought you are a fan because of my incredibly attractive appearance."

You both laugh and even though you've only just met, you feel like you've known each other for a while.

"Sorry for stalking you like that. I just wanted to congratulate you... I've never seen a girl play like that. And it was awesome, I must admit. If you played in the NHL, you would be a serious threat to semi-good players."
"Yeah, right. I am really not that good, I was just in a mood."

"Uh, listen...," he nervously starts biting his lower lip, making him even more attractive and making your heart flutter.

"Do you have a boyfriend back home?"
"Nah, forever alone," you joke, but you find yourself thinking "Sean Monahan, you better ask me out".

"I don't believe that! I would like to get to know you better..."
"Are you asking me on a date?" you lift your brow and hope you understood him right.

"I am asking you out, uh, so yeah, you can call it a date."
"I hope not right now, because you know, I am all sweaty and..."

He shuts you down with a light kiss on your lips, which lasts about a second. Only a second, but it's all it takes for you to feel yourself falling for him even more.

"What about tomorrow? You need to rest up..."
"Let's make it tomorrow then," you whisper, still in shock a hottie like him would even look at you. You are not really like those girls in magazines or girls who throw themselves around with no shame... you are just you, a girl who likes to play and watch hockey, loves her family and is a true team player. And now Sean Monahan, a professional athlete from your favorite club, has just invited you out. 

In that night your team brought gold Olympic medal to Canada and also your love for hockey got you a love story you would never even dare to dream of.

The next night you realize Sean and you are made for each other and you get into your first relationship ever in which you learn hockey is not everything worth fighting for and giving up anyone. With a loved boy by your side, you manage to continue staring in the national team and handle your love life. 

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