76. #30 Jim Craig (US Olympic Team 1980)

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For lovely NHLgirl22, hope you'll like it:)


After great performance on the game against the Soviets two days ago, Jimmy's confidence has drastically increased. He talks about the game all the time, reliving the best moments of the game and the smile on his face changes his face entirely.

A day before the last game against Finland, coach Brooks makes the practice shorter and gives the boys nearly the entire day off. So Jimmy and you decide to spend it together, get away from hockey for a while and just enjoy the time with each other. Ten minutes before the time he is supposed to pick you up, someone knocks on the door. You are still in your old sweatpants of your high school volleyball team and his white Terriers T-shirt when you open the door.

"Lookin' great," he chuckles from the door stand and pulls you into a hug. You bump into his broad chest and wrap your arms around his torso, your fingertips barely touching each other on his back.

"I was just about to get changed. I thought we said at one, it's ten to one now."
"Well, changing didn't take this long," he sits down on your bed and leans his elbows on his knees, looking at you.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Just realizing how adorable you look in my T-shirt and those old sweatpants," he grins and you blush. He was always being sweet, even in a company of other guys, but he doesn't often compliment you. It's just not his style, but he shows his commitment in many other ways.

"I'll be right back. Give me few minutes, okay?"

"Take your time. I'll wait here, I am not leaving."

You pull dark blue jeans, white shirt and light pink sweater out of the drawer. With those clothes you lock yourself in a bathroom and quickly slip into fresh clothes.


"What is taking you so long?" he yells from the other side of the door. You can hear it in his voice he is becoming slightly impatient and you chuckle quietly: "Give me a second!"

You clip your hair in a ponytail and wrap a white bow around it. After you are done with your hair, you apply gentle make up and put on earrings.

"The second is up!"

"Alright, alright!" you laugh and open the door. He looks up at you and you can nearly see his jaw drop: "You...You look beautiful."
"Not nearly as beautiful as you are, superstar. Come on, let's go."
He gets off the bed and you leave your room hand-in-hand. You walk through the streets of Lake Placid, enjoying your free time and each other's presence, watching families with kids skate and setting your mind off this Olympic madhouse.

"So, how do you like it here?" Jimmy asks and swings your hands back and forth.

"It seems like a peaceful place when there is no Olympics, but right now it seems really crowded. But I love it here. What about you?"
"This is one of the rare occasions I am not in my hotel room or on the practice, but same. I really like it here. Maybe..."

He stops and looks down at you.

"Maybe?" you encourage him to continue and give his hand a squeeze. His rough hand returns yours the squeeze gently since his grip could possibly crush your bones.

"Maybe, if I put enough money together, maybe get a bit from my dad, we could return here for a weekend. After the Olympics, just the two of us."

"But, Jimmy, I don't want you spend your savings, your paychecks on me. And I know your father needs that money. If we go, I want to pay for my ticket and half of everything."

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