36. #21 Mike Eruzione (US Olympic Team 1980)

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Just a little something I had already written in my notebook. Hope you'll like it though!:)

~December 24th 1980~

Don't ask me how, but somehow my uncle, Herb Brooks, managed to convince Olympic Committee to allow me play in men team. So here I am now, in a cottage with the entire team, celebrating Christmas in the best company I could've ever imagined.

"And for our girl..." Jimmy Craig turns to me, smiling widely.

"Who can still beat the shit out of majority of you," I continue, innocent smile plastered on my face, making all the other boys laugh.

"Because we let you!" shouts OC and earns another wave of roaring laughter.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to destroy that pretty face of yours," Mac jumps in our regular teasing and looks at Mike, who seems quite busy with his food.

"Although, maybe if we did, Mike would focus more on pucks not on you," he continues, sly smile resting on his cheeks. His smile grows wider as he notices slight blush on both mine and Mike's cheeks, but he doesn't get to say anything else.

"Okay, okay, can we finish, please?" Jimmy continues, clearly annoyed by sometimes too childish behavior of his teammates. I am still looking through the window, pretending to be impressed by the view when really I just want to conceal how awkward Mac's remark made me feel.

"So as I said, before I was rudely interrupted," Jimmy glares at OC and Mac, who are now nothing but grinning faces," for our girl. We've decided to give you...this," he brings a kinda neatly wrapped parcel from behind his back, handling it over to me. I take it and unwrap it. After moments of silence, I manage to say: "Wow, thanks, guys. Is that your way of telling me I don't belong here. I appreciate it though."

Those idiots bought me a complete make-up kit in which pink is the main color. And they know I am not really keen on pink make up. Or any other make up, to be honest.

"Nope," smiles Silky, popping the "p"," it's our way of telling you no matter what you do, who do you play for, you are still a girl. Our girl," he slaps my shoulder and eventhough I am flattered by being called "their girl", I mumble under my breath, however still loud enough for few guys to hear me: "Watch out, David Mark Silk, otherwise you'll wake up tomorrow with a make up on."

Silky steps away from me, imitating fear: "Guys, watch out. When a girl calls you by your full name it's worse than when your mother calls you by your full name."

"I am being serious, Silky," you murmur.

"I will paint your face like it was a painting canvas."
"I'd like to see that!" OC exclaims and I turn to him, wide grin on my cheeks: "You better watch your tongue, O'Callahan. You don't want to see it being cut of with your skates, now do you?"
Wordlessly, he steps closer to me and pins my hands against the wall above my head. If that maneuver was performed by any other guy (excluding my new teammates) I'd kick and scream my lungs out, everything just to break free, but we are talking about Jack O'Callahan here. A guy who wouldn't hesitate a second to get in a fight for me or any other teammate.

"How are you gonna do that? Uh, sweetie?" he grins mockingly and leans closer above me.

"You'll see, OC," I smile back and wiggle out my right hand, knowing exactly what would distract him. I put my free hand around his neck and crash my lips on his, expecting him to get distracted just enough to let me go. Let's just say, things sometimes don't go as planned... he jerks of surprise, but doesn't get distracted as I wanted him to get. It doesn't take long for him to regain his focus. And when he does, he takes over control, completely disabling me.

"Go get some!" I hear Silky shout and others whistling. Apart from that I hear door close loudly somewhere in the house. In that moment I realize I am not kissing a guy I've ever wanted, but a guy who loves to tease me and I lightly shove him away: "Sorry, OC, I shouldn't have done that."

"I quite enjoyed, to be honest," OC smiles widely and winks at me.

"Idiot," I mumble and punch his arm lightly, making his smile turn into a grinning. However, he moves away from me, just in case my arm stretches again. Seconds later I realize one of the players is missing: "Uh, guys, has anyone seen Rizzo? Or were you too busy wolf-whistling?"

"He stormed out just moments ago and he looked quite pisses," Verchota explains, his face suddenly serious.

"I need to find him," I hurry towards the door. Just before I get out of the room, someone gently stops me by putting his hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Jimmy's friendly face: "You must know that Rizzo likes you. A lot. And when he saw you with OC..."
"It meant nothing! Right, OC?" I turn to OC, who is now throat-deep in a conversation with Mac, Buzz Schneider and Silky.

"It was only a joke," OC confirms but you see he doesn't really know what the debate was all about since he was listening to you with one ear only.

"See? Jimmy, please, let me through, I need to find Rizzo."

"Just one more thing," he pulls me out of the room and whispers: "Do you like Rizzo?"
"What kind of a question is that? Of course I like him, he has great leading abilities..."
"That's not what I meant and you know it."

I look up at his sincere, trustworthy and friendly eyes and quietly admit: "Yes."
"That's all I needed to know. Now go find him."

I find Rizzo standing alone at the end of the front yard. His hands are tucked in his pockets and I can tell he is freezing. Slowly, I approach him and put my hand on his shoulder: "Rizz..."
"Not now."
"I said not now. Go back to OC, Y/N."

"We were just messing around! I wanted to embarrass him or make him shut up, I don't know. That's why I kissed him."
"Well, he seemed to enjoy and he didn't look embarrassed at all."

I stand by him silently, hoping he'd look at me, but he is stubbornly looking away and into a distance.

"I am going back in," he says in a bit softer voice, but he still refuses to look at me. He turns around quickly and walks back to the house, leaving me alone.

"I like you, Mike Eruzione," I say quietly as soon as he is far enough.

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