94. #24 Rob McClanahan (US Olympic Hockey Team 1980)

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For FCCH13, hope you will like it! A bit of Rob feels never hurt anybody, especially if the gap is present ;)

"Robby, c'mooon," I laugh as my excited fiancé pulls me in front of the Madison Square Garden in New York, where the team will be playing a preolympic game against the Soviets.

"NO, Y/N, I want to have a picture of you in front of the MSG," he pouts and then flashes me that tooth gap which never fails to make my heart flutter. What, can you judge me? That gap is one of the cutest things I have ever seen and as much as I am trying to convince Mac not to put his fake tooth in, he doesn't listen to me.

"But why?"
"Because I want to. It's our first time in New York together..."
"I don't know about you, but it's my first time out of Minnesota, actually."

"See? That's why I want to take a picture. Please?" he pouts a bit again and lifts his polaroid camera, giving no other option but to pose in front of the MSG. As soon as he snaps the picture, I mumble: "I will kill you, Robert Bruce McClanahan and it won't be nice."
"Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad, now was it?"

"It was worse," I stick my tongue out and squeak as he scoops me up into his arms "Put me down!"

"What if I don't want to?"

I wiggle in his grasp, only to make things worse as his grip grows stronger. I look up at him and try to convince him by pulling puppy eyes on him: "Please, Mac, let me go."

He softens the grip a bit: "Because I can't say no to those eyes."

"And because people are looking at us and wondering what in the world is wrong with us."
His grin grows wide as he takes my hand in his: "Well, I have few hours off..."
"Let's go check out the stores a bit. Come on, just a bit, please, Mac."
"Why does New York have to have shops?"
"Because it's a big city and because MSG and your hotel can't be the only thing you'll see."
"What if we visit World Trade Center and Empire State Building? I have heard the view from the observation deck of the Empire State Building is amazing and I want us to see the New York with you?"

He seems like he really isn't in the mood for a shopping spree even though we share a love for good clothes. Plus he has the game later tonight and I don't want him be completely drained against the Soviets. Squeezing his hand gently, I smile: "Sounds perfect. Let's do this."

Our first stop is WTC and let's just say two teenagers from Minnesota don't really fit in the crowd of nicely dressed businessmen and women. Even Rob, who can almost always adapt to whichever situation he is thrown, seems a bit lost. And that doesn't happen often, so I decide to memorize how adorably lost he is while we are holding hands under the majestic two towers of World Trade Center. I step on my tiptoes and peck his cheek: "A bit lost, Gap?"

With his gaze still locked on the building in front of us he mumbles: "Didn't I tell you not to call me a Gap?"

"Nope, you said not to call you Pretty boy. Although you asked me not to call you Gap when we are with your teammates. Right now we are not and you are my Gap."

He sighs as he finally looks at me: "You always seem to find the way to outsmart me."
"That's why you love me...Gap."

His grin grows wide, revealing that cute little dark spot in his mouth: "You are seriously obsessed with my gap, aren't ya?"
"Maybe I am, but it's adorable and I don't know why are you trying to hide it with that fake tooth."

"Because you are probably the only person that finds it adorable."
"Am not. But it doesn't matter."

Smiling widely, he pulls me in front of him and rests his chin on top of my head. We remain like that for quite some time until someone bumps into us.

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