66. #90 Vlad Namestnikov (Tampa Bay Lightning)

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For really, really patient aliciadupont, sorry for long wait and I hope you'll like it and that it was worth waiting:)

It's been three years since you and Vlad started dating and less than a year since you have tried living with him. And it turned out to be quite a great idea. Actually, it made you think how it would be spending the rest of your life with him. But so far, no moves in this direction have been made.

One day, when Vlad has no games or practices, you wake up cuddled up to his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. Your head rests on his broad chest while his fingertips caress your skin.

"You know, I could get used to the feeling of you next to me for the rest of my life," he whispers and draws circles on your bare back.

"Me too," you mumble in his chest and close your eyes. Yes, you can without a doubt imagine spending the rest of your life with him, waking up every morning cuddled up to him. Few seconds pass before you realize his words could have a deeper meaning...


"Yeah, baby?"

"When you...Uh, when you said you could get used to mornings like that for the rest of your life..."

He sits up and moves your head from his chest to his lap: "Yeah..."

You hear in his voice he has tensed up a bit. And you decide you won't try to dig any deeper, so you just smile: "Nothing..."
"Y/N, I meant it, spending the rest of my life with you...is all that I could ever wished for."

He leans down and pecks tip of your nose before asking: "I was thinking, maybe we could spend a day at Busch Gardens. Just a relaxing day in an amusement park... what do you think?"

"Would you really take me there? To Busch Gardens?"
"It's not like I am doing you a favor, I love that place as well. And we haven't been there in a while. Plus, I always love to visit the place we went on our first date."

You kiss his chin: "I love you, Vladislav Namestnikov, I hope you know that?"
"Do you?" he sounds surprised, but you know he doesn't mean it.

"Of course I do, you dummy," you giggle and peck his chin again. Honestly, you wouldn't mind if you two just stayed at home, playing board games, watching TV and chatting. But going out on a date to the place where you two shared your first kiss doesn't sound bad either.

"I love you too, Дарлинг (darling)," he leans down and kisses you. His soft lips cover yours and breath hitches in your throat. His fingers tangle in your hair as he pulls your head closer to him to deepen the kiss. The soft feeling of his lips lingers on yours even when he pulls away and smiles down at you: "So, shall we go? We can visit Aquarium then, what do you think?"

"I think you are the best boyfriend there ever was, Vlad."

"And you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. Come on, let's get changed!"

"Okay, okay. Jeesh, calm down a bit..." he shuts you down with a kiss and a sweet smile: "I can't. I am so excited to spend the entire day with you, visiting our favorite places."

Soon after, Vlad parks his car in front of the Busch Gardens' entrance and looks first at your intertwined fingers and then at your glimmering eyes: "Ready to relive the past?"
"I was born ready to do that," you quickly peck his lips and unfasten your seat belt. You open the door and look at Vlad: "The last one at the entrance is a rotten egg!"

"Hey! Wait up!"

"Nope!" you laugh while running towards the entrance. He catches you only few foot before you reach the entrance and tackles you into a hug: "Gotcha."
"That was not the point. We are still not at the entrance...Hey!"

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