8. #86 Teuvo Teravainen (Chicago Blackhawks)

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Even though Chicago sky was covered with clouds, you felt like the happiest person alive. Your boyfriend of three years and now your groom-to-be, Teuvo Teravainen had proposed you a day after Chicago Blackhawks had won another Stanley Cup and you couldn't believe your luck. Being engaged to one of hockey players, who many girls all around the world were dreaming of, was not even a scenario of your wildest dreams. And now there you were, wearing dreamy white wedding dress, your long [H/C] hair clipped into extravagant, yet classy looking half up. And even though they did not match your wedding dress, you wore beautiful Blackhawks earrings with rubies and emeralds, Teuvo's first-year-anniversary gift.
"Teuvo won't know what hit him," female voice with Finnish accent said behind your back.
"Jeesh, you scared me. What's wrong?"
"I hate how you always know something is not okay. Okay, Teuvo said he wouldn't be able to come."
"On our wedding day? Is that some kind of a joke you are trying to pull on me?"
"No. Not this time. Here, read his message," Teuvo's sister threw you her phone and you caught it with shaky hands.
"Dear sis. I won't be able to come to my own wedding. Practice is not over yet."
You stumble backwards and crush on a sofa in your hotel room. You knew something would go wrong, it has always been that way. But somehow you hoped that would not be your wedding day, supposedly the happiest day of your life.
With your head buried in your hands, you fought sudden urge to crawl somewhere and cry, but you felt your eyes watering.
"Rebecca," sighted Teuvo's sister and kneeled in front of you.
"It's not his fault."
"What if he's cheating on me and this practice is just a lie?"
"Teuvo is not like that and you know it. But we can go to United Center and see for ourselves whether he was being untruthful or not."
"I am still in a wedding dress," you mumbled, still looking down and fighting tears which were still threatening to start pouring out of your eyes and down your cheeks.
"Doesn't matter. Come with me."
With no further argument, she dragged you out of your hotel room and practically pushed you in her car. Then she got in and started and engine, all that in complete silence, giving you time to re-think everything.
"So, Teuvo told me you had never seen how their practice goes, right?"
"Yeah. I've only been on their games."
"Trust me, practice is even more fun."
"If you say so," you sighed and leant your head on a cold window, watching the windy city passing by. After few minutes that seemed like eternity, Teuvo's sister stopped the car and helped you out. Once again in complete silence, only the sound of pucks and skates to be heard in a distance, you two went to the player's bench.
Patrick Kane was the first one to notice you and he skated closer with a huge grin on his lips.
"Rebecca! What are you doing here? I thought you were getting married."
"Yeah, Teuvo said he had practice. Uh, Pat, where is he?"
"Teuvo? Haven't seen him. Sorry, Becky," he answered, suddenly sounding nervous. But not nearly as nervous as you were. Teuvo was not there. He lied to you. You turned around to ask his sister what was going on, but she was not there anymore.
"Pat, can you please tell me, what is going on?"
"Sorry, I don't know," he hurried with his answer and skated back to Toews, who was also nervously looking at the path, connecting ice with locker rooms. You followed his glance, but before you saw anything, electricity had gone off and you were standing there, in your wedding dress, confused and desperate for answers. You thought you were hearing quiet chatting on the stands, but it couldn't be. The arena was empty, you were sure about it. In a next moment, only one light turned on and you had to turn around, your eyes now focused on the face-off point in the middle of the ice, where only one person in Blackhawks' jersey and complete hockey gear, excluding stick and helmet, was standing. Your hands flew to your mouth when you realized Teuvo was there, looking at you with glimmering eyes and the widest smile you had ever seen.
"What are you waiting for?" said Teuvo's sister behind your back and that was when you finally understood they had been planning this all along.
"You are going to pay for this," you hissed and punched her arm playfully before you got on the ice, where Teuvo was still standing and smiling at you. When you got to him, he pulled you into the tightest embrace and whispered to your ear: "I didn't mean to mess your wedding day up, but I thought it'd be a good way to remember our wedding day. Or night. Or whatever."
"When did you come up with this?"
"I'll tell you everything. But now, it's time for you to change one thing about you. Your surname. I think Teravainen suits you better."
He held you on a length of his arms and locked his gaze with yours: "Yep, Teravainen it is."
Then, following the theme of hockey wedding, their coach married you and after that, you were officially miss Teuvo Teravainen. When coach said "You may kiss the bride," Teuvo picked you up, kissed you and skated one lap with you in his arms.
As soon as he put you down, he chuckled: "I think it's time for you to know the truth."
"I think so too. So, start talking, hubby," you playfully commanded him.
"I see sticking with you will take a lot of nerves," he replied, returning you favor for calling him hubby.
"You are stuck with me now, Teravainen."
"And I am the happiest man alive to be with you," he said and kissed you again.
"So, how did you organize everything?"
"Well, after we got Stanley, I talked to our coach, who said he could organize another 'practice'. And everyone on a guest list knew about it. So I can say, my wedding surprise was successful."
"It was, even though you scared me to death."
"You know I'd never leave you. Never."
"I know."
He pulled you into embrace and led you off the ice. Your wedding party continued in Blackhawks's dressing room until the early hours of a next morning when Teuvo took you to his apartment.

The next morning you woke up as miss Teuvo Teravainen and even though you had a ring on your finger and your husband next to you, you couldn't believe it was really happening. You were married to the love of your life.

For blackhawks_fan , hope you like it :)

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