48. #65 Andrew Shaw (Chicago Blackhawks)

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For CrazyChickSusie, hope you'll like it and again, wish you good luck with your imagines!:D

It is few days before annual Christmas party, hosted by one of the Blackhawks players. This year it is Hossa's turn. Marian Hossa is also a man who you have known for a while and he was also the one who helped you get over a nasty break up when your ex-fiancé dumped you in front of the altar. So saying he was your best friend is an understatement.

"Y/N, it's me. Listen, I was wondering, are you free on Saturday? I am hosting this year's Christmas Party and I was wondering whether you'd like to come?"
"You know me, Mar. Of course I'll come."

"Great. Guys can't wait to see you."

"Can't wait to see them either."

On Saturday you wake up early, expectation not letting you sleep. The sun has not risen yet and your room is bathing in darkness. You check time on your phone. 5 A.M. Great, even when I could sleep for a long time, I don't, you think for yourself.

"Y/N, will you go to Hossa's party tonight? ~AS" you read a message on your phone and smile. Andrew Shaw is asking you if you are going to be at the party.

"Sure! What 'bout you?" you type back, your fingers trembling. Even though you'd never admit that to anyone, Andrew Shaw could make your heart pick up the pace of your heart beat, your hands shake and sweat and your legs go weak. He is the first guy you've ever liked after that asshole left you.

"Of course. Can't wait to see you again."

Your mind goes crazy over his last sentence. He actually can't wait to see you again. Soon after, he calls you.

"Oh, Y/N? Did Hossa mention you should come with a date?"
"What? No! He didn't mention."

"So I suppose you don't have a date, hm?"
"It's a long day, I think I can find someone..."
"Would you like to go with me?"

It takes few seconds for you to sink in his words. With a deep exhale, you ask him, your voice trembling: "Are you asking me to be your date?"

"Well, if that's okay with you...," you hear him mumble on the other side of the line, apparently nervous.

"I would love to go with you, Andrew Shaw."
"I hoped you'd say yes. I'll pick you up at eight, okay?"
Your gaze jumps to a clock on a wall. 6.30 P.M. He gave you an hour and thirty minutes to get ready, to make yourself look great for him.

"At eight it is. Thank you for taking me as your date..."
"Thank you for going with me. See you at eight then."

"See you," you smile at your phone and cancel the phone. As soon as the line is dead, you start jumping up and down, excited screeches coming out of your mouth. Andrew Shaw asked you to be his date!

An hour later, you are completely dressed and ready for a Christmas party. You are wearing red tunic with a tiny Chicago Blackhawks emblem, Marian's gift from last Christmas. Underneath you are wearing white leggings and red boots with white fake fur. The last touch is a delicate make up and hanging diamond earrings. Ten minutes later and twenty minutes before scheduled arrival,

"Sorry I am- Whoa, Y/N, you look.... You look absolutely amazing. Stunning," Andrew starts when he sees you. Speaking of stunning- he looks like a goddamn supermodel in that as dark as the night tuxedo and shoes so polished their glow could blind you. His dark hair is ruffled and his eyes are glowing.
"You don't look bad yourself either," you compliment him and invite him in for few minutes. He walks in cautiously, trying not to stomp all over your house.
"Nice place. You live here by yourself?"

"Of course. Used to share it with someone, but not anymore."
"How come?" he asks and turns to the photo above the small fireplace on which you and your ex-fiancé are swimming with dolphins.

"Who is that?"
"That is that someone."
"Your boyfriend?"

"Ex- boyfriend," you correct him, flashing him a sad smile. He looks at you, just to see your eyes water.

"Oh, I am so sorry, Y/N," he is next to you in two steps, his strong muscular arms around you.

"N-No, it's okay," you sniffle. You put your hands on his back and nuzzle your head in a crook of his neck, inhaling his scent.

When a clock on your wall strikes 8 PM, you head to Hossa's party, where the majority of team is already there, chatting, having fun and drinking. It would you remind you on high school parties, if there wasn't quiet music, quiet chattering and absence of wild binge drinking.

"Y/N, Shawzy!" Jana, Hossa's wife welcomes you, kissing your cheeks and hugging Andrew.

"So glad you came tonight. Come and join us. Can I give you something to drink?"

Andrew looks down at you: "What would you like to drink?"

"Which cocktails do you have?"

"I'll mix something for you. What about you, Shawzy? What can I bring you?"

"A beer would be great, thanks, Jana," Andrew smiles, his arms around your shoulders.

"Are you finally together?" Jana asks and points at you two.

You look up at Andrew and see small blush on his cheeks: "No, we aren't. Just great friends. And dates tonight."

"He's right," you confirm and secretly wish you were more than just friends.

"I think you two would make a great couple," Jana comments before heading to the kitchen to bring you your drinks.

As soon as you both get your drinks, you start talking about everything, your palms brushing together time-to-time.

"So, what was with that dude on your photo?"
"He dumped me on our wedding day. He said he hadn't been ready. But I suspect he was cheating on me."

"You suspect?"
"Midnight calls, mysterious texting with weird contents, coming home and smelling like cheap perfume. We could go on for eternity. What about you?"
"Normal break-up story. Can't beat yours. No girl deserves to be left on her own wedding day."

"Maybe it was not meant to be."
"Thank god it wasn't," he looks at you and you both look up. Somehow you ended up right under the mistletoe.

"You know what that means?"

"I do."

With that, your lips collide into a spontaneous kiss. It may sound cliché, but you can actually feel butterflies in your stomach and you can feel yourself becoming light-headed. His warm lips tightly on yours and his hands on your back, supporting you. When he pulls away from you, you are both smiling at each other and he leans down.

Warm breath tickles your skin as he whispers to your ear: "I have liked you for a while now. I think you are the most adorable, loyal, loving and amazing girl I've ever met. Will you go out with me?"
"Feeling are mutual, Andrew Shaw. And of course I will!" you smile up at him, your eyes locking for long seconds.

"Finally!" Hossa exclaims from the kitchen, raising his glass.

"Took you guys long enough."

"That was your plan all along?" you ask your closest friend, who seems satisfied with himself.

"Of course, darling. I couldn't see you suffer and you like Shawzy..."
"Thanks a lot, Hossa," Shaw nudges his teammate's shoulder and winks at you.

Every year from that Christmas party, you and Andrew went to Hossa's for a drink, celebrating Christmas even if Marian wasn't hosting it. It became your tradition and also on a Christmas Eve few years later you found out you were pregnant with Andrew's baby. Yes, it was your own Christmas miracle. 

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