65. #21 Mike Eruzione (US Olympic Hockey Team 1980)

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For Alisont657, sorry it took so long, hope you'll like it(:


"Michael Eruzione, Toledo Goaldiggers," my boyfriend of three years smiles at the reception desk and squeezes my hand. I look up at him and we share an excited smile. I came here with him all the way from Toledo in Ohio where we have been living ever since I finished studying at Boston University about a year ago. Rizzo and I met during my first and his last game at the Boston U. and it didn't take long for us to start dating. At first everyone believed we wouldn't last long due to our four-year age difference, but we proved them wrong when I moved in with him.

Now, during his second year playing for Toledo, he got a called in for the Olympic tryouts. And of course I came here to Colorado Springs with him!

"Michael Eruzione...Eruzione...Ah, there you are. Here are your documents, you have to keep them close for the entire time. Over there is a window where you get your towel and your number. Good luck."

He looks down at me and back at the receptionist: "I have my good luck charm with me."

I giggle at his cheesiness I've been adoring for three years and step on my tiptoes, giving him a peck on a cheek. He intertwines his fingers with mine and we walk over to few of his friends hand-in-hand: "OC! Silky! And if it's not that Steve Christoff!"

"Mike Eruzione," Christoff drops his bag and comes towards us to meet his old friend. After boys are done hugging each other, Steve looks at me and then back at Rizzo: "I see you two are still going strong. Came to play hockey, Y/N?"

"Nope. Came here with Rizzo. You know my hockey days are over? At least for a while..."

"The last game?"

With a sour smile, I nod. He means the first and the last game I played with Boston U. Terriers when I got smacked into the boards head first and broke my arm and few ribs and to make things even better, suffered a conclusion. I don't remember much, everything between that hit and waking up in a hospital on intensive care doesn't exist.

"That was painful to see. And it killed us when they carried you away on a stretcher."
"Wait, what happened?" Rizzo asks. Oh yeah, I didn't tell him that, I never wanted him to worry. Guys realize we must've made a horrible mistake starting this while Rizz is around. Well, he knows I was injured, he doesn't know I had to be carried off the ice. And that I was in a hospital...

"Uh, nothing special... Really, Rizz, I am fine now."

"But you should've told me..."
I kiss his cheek: "It was for your own good. I didn't want to distract you from your game."

"Baby, you should've told me."

"Rizz, that's something that happened a long time ago, no need to worry your pretty head with it."

I gently pat his head and the other guys laugh.

"You two are just too cheesy," Christoff comments and Silky continues: "Seriously, you two are giving us a diabetes."

It feels weird being alone on a players' bench and watching their tryouts. Especially when I feel gazes on me. And it's not even remotely comfortable. One of the guys stops right in front of me and gives me a wide grin: "Mark Pavelich. And you are?"
"Uh, Y/N Y/L/N. Pavelich...that's kinda odd surname. No offence."
"None taken. Well..."
"Before you ask anything about my free time, I have a boyfriend. Sorry," I smile apologetically and shrug my shoulders. In that moment Rizz skates closer and pulls me over the boards into a kiss. When we break apart, I chuckle slightly and nudge his arm: "What was that for?"
"Just wanted to kiss you," he smiles and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. We share a smile before I whisper, pecking tip of his nose: "Better get back there. I don't want you to miss this opportunity because of me."

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