107. #17 Jack O'Callahan (1980 Olympic Team/ Boston University Terriers) Part 2

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Here's a part 2 of imagine #98, requested by emilia_laas ,MadisonGraceOBrien and emm802 , hope you'll like it! :D Also, no offense to any U or BC student/fan out there. :)


A few days later, I gather enough courage to knock on the door of her dorm. She has been avoiding me ever since we came back from Denver and I don't like to leave things hanging in the air and questions unanswered.

As soon as she sees me, she tries to close the door, but I set my foot between the frame and a wooden plank, blocking the door from closing.

"We need to talk."
"Of course, when you decide we should talk, I have to listen to you."

"We just lost national championship, I don't have time for your bullshit."

"You never have time, Jack. Never."
"Jesus fucking Christ, are you on your period or what?"

She takes a deep breath and grabs the collar of my shirt, dragging me closer. If I thought hockey players or athletes are strong, I have never pissed off my girlfriend enough.

"Listen to me carefully, John Joseph O'Callahan, never, and I mean never say that again. If I was, I would behead you with my bare hands, trust me."

I wrap my fingers tightly around her wrists and throw her hands off my shirt: "I came to talk. Not to listen to my girlfriend's bitchiness."

I turn around on my heel, intending to leave, when her voice stops me. Much softer this time, it almost sounds like she is touched or really emotional.

"Y-You just called me y-your g-girlfriend..."

"Yeah, so what if I did?"

"I-I thought it was...all a joke to you... A hook-up, someone to brag about in the locker room."

I turn around once again to face her. I wish I could say something sassy or sarcastic, but I can't. Words just don't find a way to come out of my mouth. Instead of trying to find a way to show her who Jack O'Callahan is, I mumble: "So can we talk now?"

She steps away from the door, giving me space to slip into her room. In awkward silence, I sit on her bed and soon the bed squeaks as she sits down as well. A few seconds of awkward and heavy silence pass before she speaks up: "So..."
"So... this is weird..."
"Yeah, it is. Uh, listen, I want you to know I would never be with anyone else. Even if I am just hooking up with someone."
"I am sorry. I was distracted by locker room rumors."

"What now?" she asks, trying to sound like she doesn't care, but her voice gives her away. And somehow, I don't want to tell her what Boileau said about her...

"Jack, tell me, please."
"Doesn't matter. Locker room conversations, it's better not to know what are they about. Listen, I am sorry for being such a dick back in Colorado."
"Sorry for attacking Joey?"

"He is a Gopher. I can't say I am sorry for beating a Gopher, can I? But I am sorry for targeting him, I guess..."

She rolls her eyes: "Rivalry thing? He is a human, not a boxing sack."

"But he plays hockey."

"He is a nice guy, you know?"

"I believe. But he still got a championship ring, didn't he? Okay, it doesn't matter now... I am sorry for targeting him, but I really thought you were with him."
"I kinda figured that one out... don't tell me you were jealous."

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