41. #87 Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins)

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For crosbysjersey, hope you like it. I must admit I enjoyed writing it!:)

It was your first time visiting your new boyfriend, Sidney Crosby, at his apartment. You were a bit nervous, even though you trusted him, but your previous boyfriend were lying and cheating assholes. You really wished Sidney to be different and so far, he'd been amazing.

From the moment you stepped into his house, he'd been a gentleman. He settled you down on his cozy couch and brought a giant bowl of popcorn with two glasses of juice.

"I am glad you accepted my invitation," he smiled shyly and leant down to kiss you. Your lips met and you felt butterflies flutter in your stomach.

"I am glad you invited me, Sid," you mumbled in his lips. He moved away and sat down next to you, your knees touching.

"I was thinking..."he said and gently put your head on his shoulder. You rested your head on his shoulder, inhaling his sweet scent.

"I think it'd be boring if we only watched Netflix all the time...what do you think about making cookies?"

you looked up at him, smiling lightly: "You can bake, Sidney Patrick Crosby?"
"Have never tried before. What about you?"

"I am cook-o-phobic," you laughed and continued: "But maybe we could trash your kitchen for fun. Maybe we'll manage to make something worth eating."

He got up and pulled you in his arms, spinning you around like you were nothing more than feather. You giggled, feeling completely safe even though your feet weren't touching the ground.

"Put me down," you squealed, making him chuckle: "Nope!"

With you over his shoulders he went to the kitchen, where he placed you down on a kitchen counter. He stepped between your knees and pulled you in for another kiss. You kissed him back, your hands on his chest. Breathless, you pulled apart and he helped you jump off the counter. Your tiny hand nearly lost in his big one, but he was holding you like you were a porcelain doll.

"So, shall we start making cookies?"

You clapped your hands excitedly, like a little kid. After all, that would be your first time doing something adorably cute with your boyfriend and you'd never baked with your boyfriend.

Sid passed you an apron, smiling lightly: "Put this on."

You took the apron from his hands and pulled it over your head. Meanwhile Sidney stepped behind your back. As soon as the apron fell down your body, his fingers moved away stray hair, sending waves of electricity over your body as his fingers touched your skin. His hands moved from your neck to your waist, where he tied the apron.

"Is it too tight?" his warm breath tickled your skin. You shook your head: "No. Thank you, Sid."

"Anything for you," he smiled and moved away: "We should get to work."

First you mixed together all the ingredients and then you divided dough in half. You were so into kneading the dough you didn't notice another stray of your Y/H/C hair. But Sidney did. He stepped behind you and pulled the stray hair away. With his fingers full of sticky dough, he left some of it on your face. Even more, your hair glued into the dough.

"Did you knead with your face?" Sidney laughed. You turned to him, holding a small piece of dough in your hand. With an innocent smile you threw it in his face: "What about you?"

"Oh, you're gonna pay for that!" he threw some of his dough in your face. Even worse, it glued your hair together.

"Sidney Patrick Crosby! You did not just do that!"

"Oh yes I did," he laughed, avoiding a flying mass and grabbing his dough fast.

"And I am doing it again!"

With a loud flop, sticky mass hit your face.

"That's enough," you grabbed a fistful of flour and threw it in Sid's direction. When you looked at him, he seemed like he'd been wandering around in a snowstorm, he is covered in white.

"Did you take a bath in flour?" you chuckled before a brown cloud of powder covered you. You started coughing: "You want me to hate cacao?"

"You want me to hate flour?"

You narrowed your eyes and turned around to see what you could throw at him. Your eyes land on his water bottle and you only hope it was full. Lucky for you, it was. You pointed it at him and squished hard, spraying him with a cold water.

"That one was low," he shouted and started chasing you around his kitchen. You squealed and ran away to the living room. He ran chasing after you and grabbed popcorn. Before you knew your hair was full of corn.

Sidney was laughing so hard he had to lean on an armrest for a bit of a support.

"You think that's funny?" you grabbed a fistful of popcorn and threw it at him. But throwing things around while laughing isn't the easiest thing, so you completely missed him. Taking a chance, he approached you and wrapped his arms around your waist: "I've never had so much fun in my entire life."
"Neither did I," you admitted.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
"Even though I look like shit?"
"Even though you look like shit. And you are still beautiful," he pecked tip of your nose.

"Come on, let's get back to baking."

You headed back to the kitchen, but soon, you were trashing the entire place again. You mixed a mixture for an icing, mixing together melted chocolate and few teaspoons of sugar and honey, making the mixture sticky and hard to remove.

"Hey, Sid?" you called your boyfriend, still turning your back on him.

"Yeah, babe?"

"I have something for you," you finally turned around and threw a full spoon of freshly-mixed icing at him. He was preparing the filling for the cookies, made of jam and fruit, another sticky ingredient you didn't want to have in your hair. But you got a good portion of it in your hair.

"The war is on again," you murmured and poured a bit of your mixture in a smaller cup. You sink your fingers in it and approached Sidney, who was working on his filling again. Seizing the chance of him not paying attention, you smeared sticky mixture all over his angelic face.


He turned around and it was too late for you to realize he was thinking exactly the same thing and that he had an extra cup of his mixture set aside.

"SIDNEY!" you yelped as he poured sticky fruity mixture in your hair.

"Great, now my hair will be all sticky," you pouted and looked at him with puppy-eyes.

"You will look great no matter what. But if you want to wash it away..."
"Yes, that would be great."
"You can use my bathroom. I will put the cookies in the oven. After all, you've done more than enough in here," he said, glancing around the trashed kitchen.

"Sorry," you mumbled. He was so kind to invite you over and now you trashed his kitchen.

"Don't worry, sweetie. I had too much fun. The bathroom is down the hall, you can't miss it. I'll take care of the kitchen," he kissed top of your head, tasting the mixture covering your hair.
"Well, I am a hell of a good cook."

An hour later, you were watching Netflix on his flat-screen TV, eating popcorn and freshly-baked cookies. Their smell was still feeling Sidney's home as you felt asleep, cuddled to his chest, with his arm around you. Last thing you knew was him kissing you on your head and his soft voice whispering: "I love you, Y/N, my special girl."

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