52. #8 Dave Silk (US Olympic Team 1980)

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For rachlove32, really hope you'll like it!:)

For Christmas celebration and team bonding, Herb invited us to his friend Velta's house. Since I don't like to drive, Herb asked one of the boys to pick me up and now I am waiting for my ride to show up. It's ten past eight and I am starting to freeze. They should've picked me up at eight and I am still waiting. Finally, on older car shows up and that someone honks right in front of me before rolling the window down.
"Your carriage is here, miss," Buzzy laughs and I hear few other guys laughing on backseats. Quick glimpse behind Buzzy gives me details who the laughing clowns are.
"Verchota, Pav and Bah. Should've known. Hello, guys."
"Hello, Y/N!" all three laugh while Buzzy opens the door for me. I slip on a passenger seat and fasten my seat belt.
"Sorry you had to wait. Pav apparently never learnt what watches are for and he needed to get ready when we got there."
"Very funny, Buzzy!" Pav whines from the back seat, making us all laugh.
"Ready for some fun with guys?"
"You do realize that sounds really wrong, don't you, Buzzy?" I chuckle and lean my head on a window, staring out.
"Welcome between us, Y/N/N," Buzzy laughs and speeds up the road. Fifteen minutes later he parks in front of a well-lit wooden cottage.
"This looks like a fu-freaking fairyland," Buzzy comments, barely stopping himself from cussing.
"Then you must feel like home," I joke and quickly exit the car before he can start tickling me. Being in a hurry, I don't see one of the boys right next to the car and I open the door widely, shoving them into him.
"What the-" he grunts, making me look down.
"Silky! I am so sorry, didn't see you there. Are you okay?"
He gets up, grunting and his hands on his lower abdomen: "I will survive. So you decided to join us?"
"I'd never miss hanging out with you guys."
"Silky, your girl wouldn't be happy if she knew you are joking around with another chick, eh?" Bah laughs and slaps Dave's shoulder. Dave blushes dark red and looks down: "It's nothing, Bah."
Something in me collides. Of course he has a girlfriend, why wouldn't he have one. Still, ever since we met, he's never mentioned he has a girlfriend. And he's always been nice to me.
"Come on, let's get in," Silky smiles down at me and takes my hand in his.

~~Silky's POV~~

Heading to Herb's little get together with a smile was the hardest thing I've ever done. My long term girlfriend has just broken up with me over the phone, saying she met someone else who has more time for her. That in fact has been seeing him for a while, they were together even before I left for the Olympics.
Still, I got myself together just enough to join the others, put on my usual goof face and went there pretending everything's fine.
As soon as Buzzy parks his car, I stand next to passenger's door with a snowball in my hand. Unluckily, I didn't expect Y/N to arrive with Buzz and a door in my abdomen is just a punishment for that. She gets out of the car quickly and starts apologizing: "Silky! I am so sorry, didn't see you there. Are you okay?"
Breathing deeply, I get up, my hands still on a spot where I got hit and answer her with a small smile: "I will survive. So you decided to join us?"
She opens her mouth to answer, but Bah interrupts her: "Silky, your girl wouldn't be happy if she knew you are joking around with another chick, eh?"
He slaps my shoulder and at the mention of my now ex-girlfriend, my heart freezes. Still, I manage to pretend everything is fine between us: "It's nothing, Bah."
I absently take Y/N's hand in mine and smile down at her: "Come on, let's get in."
When my skin touches hers, something moves inside of me and a little spark of something towards her ignites in me.
Her hand in mine feels right. It feels like it belongs there.

~~1st person POV~~

After the dinner it's time for gifts. I am sitting between OC and Rizzo, both of them being like little children. Except OC looks like a kid, smoking a giant cigar. As of Rizzo, he apparently can't put his childish side away, even though he is the oldest. When all of them already got their gifts, Mac stands up and goes over to Silky. He hands him over a small parcel with a bow on top. All of us are watching as Silky unwraps the gift and blushes dark red. When he pulls out purple female underwear, we all start laughing and the others start hollering.
"Well, your girl left these at my place. With some milk and cookies," Mac chuckles and slaps Silky's shoulder before continuing: "Give her a hug for me." Dave, still as red as a tomato, answers: "You guys are unbelievable."
Through loud clapping, yelling and hollering, I can barely hear Dave say: "Real funny, guys."
When Mac sits down, I high five him, and look over to Silky who is staring at his present with sad eyes. Then he looks up and our eyes meet. I see even more sadness I am not used to see, especially when it comes to Silky. He tries to smile, but his grin is sour. He gets up, ignoring all of the "What's wrong with you, man?" "It was a joke." "Come on, Dave!" and storms out.
"What the hell is wrong with him?" Johnson asks and all of us just shrug our shoulders.
"Maybe someone should go check out on him... Y/N?"
Strobel's mention of my name wakes me up from thinking and my head snaps up: "What?"
"Can you please get Silky back?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," I say, standing up and follow Dave. I find him sitting on the floor, back leaning on a wall of a hallway. His head is buried in his palms and he looks like he's been crying.
"Dave?" I call him and sit down next to him. Putting my arm gently around his shoulder, I ask: "What's wrong? Guys were only joking, you know Mac would never do anything like that."
"It's not that," he mumbles and finally looks at me: "It's just...they reminded me of her and..."
"Do you miss her while we are away?"
"Even if I do, we are over. She dumped me over the phone before I came here and..."
"She did what?"
"Guess I wasn't good enough for her," he smiles and wipes traces of tears from his cheeks. I lightly slap his arm, getting his attention: "Don't talk like that!"
"It's true," he mumbles.
I peck his cheek and when he looks at me with slightly pink cheeks, I blush hard as well.
"What was that for?"
"To shut you up."
"You are a special girl you know that?" he chuckles and pecks my cheek. "Which doesn't mean I don't like you."
I look at him with eyes wide open and mouth gaping. He covers his mouth and mumbles: "Oh, gosh, that sounded wrong. Please, forget I said anything."
"O-Okay. Uh, shall we get back?"
"Yeah. Thanks for coming after me."
"Actually, guys sent me," I cringe as I see his eyes darken with sadness. He blinks three times: "Let's get back. Come on."
He takes my hand and holds it until we enter the living room. I start laughing quietly when I see Herb holding giant black whip, guys' and mine gift for our ruthless coach. OC is the only one who notices mine and Silky's intertwined fingers. He gets up and comes to us: "Silky, maybe you could ask Herb to lent you that whip..."
Before Silky can even figure out what OC is referring to, I hit his head and smack his arm: "Shut up, OC. You know Silky has a girlfriend."
He quickly glances at me and I can maybe even tell, what's on his mind.
She didn't tell OC I was single even though she could. She kept my secret.
"Seriously? Are you serious, OC?"
OC responds with a grin and he blows smoke in the air above my head: "Dead serious. Okay, okay, I am joking," he laughs as he sees Silky's and mine face.
"You better be," Silky mumbles under his breath and walks further in the room.

~~Silky's POV~~

"Hey, Rizzo, can I have a word with you?" I sit down next to my teammate and grab a bottle of beer.
"Yeah, sure. What's wrong? You seem off today."
"I know, I know. Listen, please, don't tell anyone."
"What did you do?"
"Nothing! Just...uh...my girlfriend dumped me earlier today."
"You are kidding! Why didn't you tell us?"
I shrug my shoulder and take a long sip, avoiding his gaze. He puts his hand on my shoulder and say quietly: "You could've told us. We are a family, Silky, and you know that."
"I know. I guess I couldn't admit it even to myself..."
"I am sorry to hear that. I really am, Silky."
"Guess it wasn't meant to be..."
"But now you can do something about Y/N," he smiles lightly and nudges my arm.
"What are you talking about?"
"You like her. She likes you. You are both single..."
"She is my teammate."
"So? Doesn't matter. At least you know her well."
I really shouldn't have told Rizz I like her. It was just a silly drunk moment and too bad he remembers it.
"Hey, let's play a game of rugby in a snow, what do you think?"
"You know me," I answer and grab my jacket, throwing one to Rizzo. On my way out, I grab Y/N's hand and pull her after us. If she is one of us, she can't avoid playing rugby with us.

~~1st person POV~~

Silky's hand grabs mine and he pulls me after him. An icy cold takes my breath away and I start to shake from the cold. A pair of strong arms hugs me from behind and I turn my head around, meeting Silky's eyes: "You cold?"
"I am freezing."
"You know why I dragged you out? It's snow rugby time!" he exclaims.
Somehow we end up in different teams. As soon as I get the ball, he bumps into me and tackles me into snow. His hands land on both sides on my head and he gazes at my eyes for a while. Then his lips curve into a smile and he presses his cold lips against mine, taking the remaining of my breath away.
"Silky can have two girls and still score on both!" Strobel cheers, making other guys laugh. Silky, who is still laying on top of me, looks at his teammates, slight blush from cold and embarrassment visible on his cheeks. With one hand he brushes snow off my hair and says: "Some good things must come to an end to make place for even better ones."
I chuckle and lift my head, kissing him again. In a next moment, few of the guys lift him off me and Rizzo helps me get up. As soon as we are both on our feet, all of the guys gather around us.
"Now kiss her again!" OC demands and shoves Silky into me. Without hesitation, our lips connect into a tender kiss and when we pull apart, we are breathless.
"Will you go out with me?" Dave looks me in the eyes and then his gaze moves from my eyes to the ground.
I touch his cheek: "Of course I will."
He turns around, facing his teammates: "And for your information, I never had two girls. But apparently, didn't take long for me to get over Jess."
He exchanges look with Rizzo: "Thanks for not telling them. And Y/N...thank you also for keeping it secret."

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