90. #50 Corey Crawford (Chicago Blackhawks)

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For truth_in_lies, hope you'll like it(:

Before the final buzzer sounds out, you know it's over. You know Blackhawks are out of the race for the Stanley Cup and that hurts you. But when you look on the ice, you notice expressions of the entire Chicago team and growing sadness on their faces. Your heart breaks especially for one of the players, your best friend and your secret crush, Hawks' goalie Corey Crawford.

Corey and you have grown up together in Quebec, attended the same elementary and high school. During your university years you even spent his birthday and New Year's party together. He was that kind of a friend who did not judge you when you were bent over behind bush and throwing up from too much alcohol. Even more, he was with you in good and bad. And now you felt it was your turn to return him a favor...

After the handshakes, you wait a bit more before getting up and slowly making your way towards the locker rooms. There you wait for Corey to show up, but someone calling your name interrupts you.


"Kaner, what's wrong? Why are you in such rush?"

He leans palms on his knees and looks up at you: "Crow asked me to get you before you leave. You know, your cruuuuuuuush."

Your cheeks turn slightly pink and you punch his arm: "I have no idea what are you talking about?"

"I think you do. Everyone does."
"Everyone? Wha-How, I mean..."
"Chill, I meant everyone but the object of your desire," he grins innocently and gives you big puppy eyes. You punch his arm again: "Don't call him like that. Is there something wrong if I find him attractive? It's not like I have only met him and like I am over his money, Pat, we have grown up together."
"You think he is a grown up man?"
"Yes. He is more mature than most of the guys or men I know is."
"And he is soooo handsome and talented, right?"

"Oh, grow up," you laugh a bit and put on serious face in a next moment: "Really, why did Corey send for me?"

"I don't know, you are best friends. I expected you to know that."

"No matter how close we are, I can't read his mind."

Pat chuckles and hooks his arm under yours, leading you to the locker room. Before entering the room, he knocks and yells: "Are you all decent in there? We have a visitor. Actually, Crow has a visitor!"

After saying that, he shoots you a mischievous smirk and opens the door.

"Ladies first."
"Thank you very much," you chuckle and walk past him. When you enter the locker room, you can actually feel how much the elimination left the entire team in pieces. Your eyes find your best friend and you see in his eyes he is blaming himself. Even though you are not alone, you go right to him and kneel in front of him, taking his hands in yours.

"Corey. Corey, look at me, please."

His eyes remain fixed on his skates and he doesn't squeeze your hands back.

"Corey, please, look at me," you repeat a bit more sternly. Finally, he looks up at you and whispers quietly: "I messed up, Y/N."
"Crow, we lost as a team," Toews says from his stall and looks around the locker room.

"We lost as a team, guys. Everyone of us could be at fault. Yes, it sucks being eliminated in the first round, but they were better."

Even though he said that, you can still see in Corey's eyes that he is blaming himself. Even for being pulled out for an extra skater. Gently, you slip your thumb over back side of his palm, making him look at you once again.

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