55. #19 Jonathan Toews (Chicago Blackhawks)

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For just-marisa, I hope you'll like it:)


~Jonathan's POV~

The bed feels empty without her next to me. The house has never been so lonely and I am scared I might never see her again. Marissa has joined military forces few months ago and she's called me at least once a week. Now she hasn't called for three weeks and I am afraid something has happened to her.
I roll over and take my phone off the nightstand. The screen lights up, a photo of Marissa and me, her kissing my cheek and both of us smiling, wakes me up. I feel two warm tears slip down my cheeks before I turn off the phone and close my eyes.

~Marissa's POV~

I know Jonathan must be freaking out for not hearing from me for a while, but in the middle of the rainforest, getting a signal is the hardest thing. But today I've been told I am finally coming home for a while.
My plane lands at midnight and exhausted from the long trip, time difference and sleepless night on the airplane, I nearly miss Patrick Kane, who cut his sleep short to pick me up.
"Hey, Marissa!"
I hear his voice and turn around. There he is and he looks pretty exhausted. His hair is all messed up and I notice purple circles under his eyes.
"Pat!' I hug him and continue: "You look great."
"So do you. How was your flight?"
"Exhausting and..."you yawn and close your eyes slightly.
"I can see it was exhausting. Did you sleep?"
"I can't sleep on an airplane. Can't wait to fall in bed."
"You must be excited to see Jonny again. And to sleep in your own bed. I can't imagine how it must be sleeping in a tent every night."
"It's not that bad, but the problem are sleepless nights on a watch. How have you been?"
"You know, practices, games, free nights."
"Come on, something new must've happened while I was away!"
He looks down and slight blush flushes his cheeks: "Well, maybe I got engaged..."
"You what?" I drop my bag on the ground and pull him into a tight hug: "Congratulations! I am so happy for you!"
"Thanks," he smiles and scratches back of his head before picking up your bag. He puts it over his shoulder and flashes you a wide yet tired smile: "Come on, let's get you home. Jonny will be so happy to see you."
"He doesn't know I am back, right? I want to surprise him."
He shakes his head: "He has no clue. I didn't tell him."
I hug him tightly, my bag poking me in the ribs: "Thank you for being such a great friend!"
"You always have my back. Of course I'd keep a secret for you."

He takes me to his car and puts my bag on the back seats. As soon as I sit on a passenger seat, I lean my head on a window and look out, taking in the sight of Chicago lights after long months of nothing. Half asleep, I can barely feel Pat fasten my seat belt and I can barely hear him whisper: "Welcome home, Mar."
Yeah, feels good to be home again.

Thirty minutes later I am at the door of our apartment, my bag next to me while I am looking for my keys in my purse. My fingers sense the cold metallic material of them and I am unlocking the door soon. Quietly, I step into our apartment and expect alarm to go off. But I forgot Jonny never turns it on. Never. I am always the paranoid one and I am always the one to annoy him to turn the alarm on.
My bag hits the ground with a loud thump and I hold my breath for a while, listening whether there's any movement in the apartment. Nothing. Jonny must be sleeping like a baby. Quietly, I tiptoe to out bedroom and see a dark outline of my sleeping boyfriend. As I come closer, I see he is hugging my pillow. That makes me smile lightly, because I realize he's really missed me all this time as much as I missed him. I tiptoe back to the door of our bedroom and find the light switch. I turn the lights on and quickly tiptoe back to Jonny's side of bed. He switches nervously and I use that moment to gently wake him up.
"Let me sleep, mom," he mumbles, making me laugh quietly. I lean down and whisper to his ear: "I am not your mom, Jonny."
It takes less than a second for him to wake up. He looks up at me, his lips slowly curving into a wide smile: "Mar? Is that really you? Am I dreaming?"
"You are not dreaming," I smile and throw my arms around his neck. He leans back and pulls me after him, making me fall on top of him. His lips find mine and he kisses me for the first time in what seems like forever.
"I am certainly not dreaming," he whispers and kisses me again. I kiss him back before leaning my head on his chest, listening to his soothing heartbeat.
"Why didn't you call me?" he asks while my head is still resting on his chest. I look up at him: "I wanted to surprise you..."
"And you did. But who brought you here?"
"I asked Kaner to give me a lift home."
He rolls me off him and sits up straight, his hand going through his hair, and he suddenly looks wide awake: "He knew? And he didn't tell me?"
"I ordered him not to. I wanted to surprise you," I start explaining, but it sounds more like I am trying to apologize. Even small tears are gathering in my eyes. Jonathan notices that and takes my hands in his: "No, no, no, baby, don't cry. Please, I didn't mean to make you cry. And seeing you alive and well is the best thing I could've ever wished for."
"Baby, I am not mad at you for not telling me. Pat will have some explaining to do, but I am not mad at you. You know I am the same when I come back from road trip games, right?"
I nod my head and bury my face in crook of his neck. He chuckles, turns off the light and pulls me closer to his side, our limbs now tangled. After few moments of silence, he whispers: "Don't get me wrong, but how come you are already home?"
"Why? You seeing someone else?" I chuckle quietly and kiss his chin. He lets out a small laugh and kisses my forehead: "Of course not! You are the only one for me. I just want to know?"
"I asked them to send me home. I missed home and you too much to concentrate on our mission."
"Baby, this is your job."
"I know. But my heart is here. Plus, I missed this cozy bed."
His lips find mine in the dark and we share another tender kiss.
"What about me?"
"I missed you every second of every day, my Captain Serious."
"But you couldn't miss me more than I missed you, my brave girl. Now, I think it's time for us to sleep. You need to rest and I have practice in the morning."
I am already drifting to sleep, so I just mumble: "Good night, Jonny."
His lips touch my forehead as he whispers: "Sleep tight."

The next morning I wake up to a smell of freshly prepared pancakes coming for the kitchen and an empty side of Jonny's bed. Moments later the door open and reveal Jonny with a tray, carrying delicious pancakes, maple syrup, a glass of orange juice and a vase with the most beautiful rose I've ever seen. And in that moment I realize, I am home. I am where I belong, where my heart is.

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