12. #65 Andrew Shaw (Chicago Blackhawks)

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You moved with your brother, Patrick Sharp, to Chicago. He moved there to play hockey for NHL's Chicago Blackhawks and you moved with him to escape your parents, who had been harassing you since the early age. Even though he was older and had his own life, he had been helping you as much as he could, but sometimes it wasn't enough and you left your hometown badly bruised.

You were sitting on a sofa, watching your favorite movie, Miracle from 2004,when Patrick stomped down the stairs only in his tracksuit, his hair all messed up.
"What are you doing?" he asked, scratching back of his neck.
"Pat, it's 1 p.m. And watching movie if you have to know."
"Oh, Miracle. I love that one," he said and plopped down next to you. Only few moments later door bell rang and he looked at you:"Expecting anyone?"
"Nope. You?"
"Not that I know."
However, he got up and unlocked the door.
"Shaw, what are you doing here?"
"Uh, Pat, you said you'd host a celebration before we face the finals."
"Oh, shit, I completely forgot. When?"
"Well, the rest of the boys will show up in two hours. Pat, are you alright?"
"I forgot. I forgot," your brother mumbled and sat on a chair, his fingers buried in his hair.
"Pat, you are scaring me. Oh,hi!" Andrew Shaw greeted you with a warm smile and you tried to say something, anything at all, but your tongue was tied. Pat never introduced you to his teammates and you had expected them to be all toothless and old, but a man standing in Pat's dining room was far from that.
"Hello. What's your name? And, Pat, you didn't tell me you have such a pretty girlfriend."
"I am Y/N. And I am sure you know he is married. You are Andrew Shaw, aren't you?"
"Pretty and smart. Where can I find girls like you?" he chuckled and winked at you. His obvious flirting woke Pat up. He stood up and tapped his teammate's shoulder:" Alright, man, I know she is pretty and smart, but KEEP YOUR FINGERS AWAY FROM MY SISTER."
"She is your sister? Did they switch you at birth?" Andrew laughed, but stopped when Pat started crackling his knuckles.
"Hey, I was joking."
"And I wasn't. Touch her and you'll miss the rest of the season."
"Okay, I get it. Did I offend you?" Andrew focused from your brother to you. You laughed and shook your head:"Not at all."
"Good. I don't want to get in a fight with Pat," Andrew grinned.
"No, you don't want to miss the rest of the season," Patrick struck back, but he was smiling, showing he wasn't serious. At least for now.
Suddenly you remembered what had been Andrew's purpose for his visit.
"Pat, what are you going to do? Your team will be here in an hour and a half. And you are still in your PJ's."
"Damn it! Y/N, can you please go to a supermarket and buy some food? Actually, buy as much as possible, most of the guys have extraordinary appetite. Shaw, can you please go with her? And no funny business, are we clear?"
Andrew straightened his back and saluted:"Sir, yes, sir!"
Pat shot him a glance and you started laughing. Even though he had threatened Andrew earlier, your brother had the most unbelievable bromance with his teammate.
"Y/N, we should go and leave your brother to get dressed into more appropriate clothes."
"Okay. See you later, Pat."

With those words you two walked out and to the nearest supermarket, which was about five minutes of walking away. You were already waiting in a row to pay, when Andrew suddenly asked:" So, Y/N, do you have anyone special in your life?"
"Pat is pretty special... He's been always by my side."
"He talks about you a lot. How your parents harassed you."
You looked down, remembering how hard your life had become when Pat had moved to the Windy City. Small tears gathered in your eyes and you tried to cover them with blinking, but Andrew noticed it:" Oh, god, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do that..."
"It's okay. It's just... I am glad Pat offered me to live with him."
"He really cares for you."
"I know, but... He is overprotective. Since I've been here, I haven't been on a date."
"If I had a sister as pretty as you are, I'd be the same."
You looked up at him and your heart skipped a beat. He was so cute with his smile and glowing eyes.
"Well, I am flattered," you managed to say before you finally got to pay your purchase.

Two hours later Pat's house was full of hockey players, chatting and celebrating. For an hour you were having fun with them, messing around with Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews and discussing goaltending with Corey Crawford , but now you were in a kitchen, preparing dinner for a bunch of hungry athletes.
"How's cooking going?" someone chuckled behind your back. Not expecting anyone to bother you, you jumped of surprise and turned around. It was Andrew,leaning on a door frameand grinning widely. You returned him a grin:" How can I help you?"
"You didn't answer my question earlier."
"What was it again?" you teased even though you knew which question he was referring to.
"You know exactly what I am talking about," he tried to sound seriously, but his eyes were glowing. When he made a step into a kitchen, your pulse raced.
"And I told you I have no one special."
"Good. So no one will kill me if I do this," he said and questionably kissed you. After first shock, you relaxed and kissed him back. Bad idea. Only few seconds later someone coughed. You jumped apart and the first thing you saw was Pat's eyes glowing furiously.
"Shaw, what did I tell you? Keep your hands away from my sister. She's been through a lot."
"Pat, calm the hell down. I know you worry about me, but you can't always protect me. Beside, it was nothing."
"Oh, really? It didn't seem like nothing. Shaw, leave her alone and come with me."
Andrew looked at you, shrugged his shoulders and followed your brother out of the kitchen. You tiptoed after them to eavesdrop.
"Look, Pat, I know she is your sister, but you can't always protect her."
"Andrew, she is so young and... I told you about our parents, didn't I?"
"You did. And believe me, I have no intentions to hurt her. Not only she is a girl, and I'd never hurt a girl, she is also my best friend's sister. Do you really think I'd be stupid enough to break her heart?"
"If you do, you'll have to face me. I don't care if we are best friends and teammates, facing all the goons in a league will be nothing compared to what I am going to do to you if you hurt her."
"Wow, easy, Sharpie. I won't hurt her. And if I do, you have every right to beat the shit out of me," Andrew's words made your heart beating even faster. You had never heard anyone voluntary offer another person to beat him in case of betrayal.
"So are we clear?"
"We are," Shaw grinned and hugged his best friend.

A month later you and Andrew were official, making you the happiest girl alive.
Even more. Ever since you two had been together, Andrew's game had improved, leading Blackhawks to yet another Stanley Cup Champions title.

For hemmoisgucci , hope you like it. I quite enjoyed writing it :P

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