13. #43 Tom Wilson (Washington Capitals)

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You loved him. You really did. And you really, really wanted to forgive him for cheating on you, not only once, but twice. With a same woman, but he had called it a "mistake". When you had found out for the first time, you forgave him. Your relationship was perfect again until it had happened again. And this time, you had had enough. Calmly as you could, you packed your belongings and walked out of your apartment, trying to avoid his teary eyes and pleadings to forgive him. You really tried to, but you couldn't, you couldn't be yet another hockey player's lover.

That was few months ago, but memories were still fresh, your eyes still hadn't dried and you still weren't used to a feeling of not being without him. At first you were desperately reaching for a phone, only to hear his voice, but as the time passed you somehow got used to the fact he had his own life and you had yours. Speaking of your life, you knew you couldn't feel sorry for yourself for the rest of your life, so you took your life back in your hands and found a job. Apparently, you couldn't get away from hockey, because your new job was actually sports journalist (you studied journalism and you had published few good articles) and your job was to cover every hockey-related event. Beside that you also worked as a cashier on every Los Angeles Kings' home matches. You loved your job, but you loved free days and evenings when you wrapped yourself in a warm, cozy blankets and logged on a web site, where you had been talking with someone since the day you had left Tom. Even though you did not know his name you felt you could trust him. By the way he was writing his messages, he reminded you of Tom, but it would be too weird.

One night you were sitting on your couch, wrapped into blankets again, and chatting with this mysterious man. He said something about coming to LA for a week or so and he asked you to meet him. You hesitated, knowing the dangers of meeting, but you really wanted to meet him. He seemed like a nice guy and you wanted to give him a shot. After all, you had to get over Tom no matter how hard it seemed. So you accepted and you arranged a meeting in a park, where you knew there would be a lot of people. You hated to admit, but you were excited. After all it was your first date in a long time and you forgot how did it feel getting ready and picking ideal outfit.

The next morning you woke up all anxious, but excited. Your date was approaching and you wanted it go end as good as possible. After all, being alone was not fun at all and you found yourself thinking about Tom again. How he had asked you out after they had won. All those small things he used to do to make you laugh. Ringtone of your phone woke you up from your thoughts and you checked it. It was from your date who you had exchanged numbers with.
"We meet today?" it said.
You smiled lightly at your phone and quickly responded: "Of course. Can't wait. But...you still didn't tell me your name..."
You nervously bit your lip while you were waiting for a response. Only few minutes passed when your screen lighted up again.
"Good luck today, don't forget to report when you get back!"
It was your best friend, the only girl who had helped you with finding apartment and a job. Before you answered, your date's message flew in.
"It's Thomas. Can't wait to meet you either!"
For a second you thought it was your Tom, the same guy you left in Washington, but since you were in LA and he was still in Washington, that would not be possible. You smiled as you read his response and with a huge smile still plastered on your face, you walked to your closet and picked clothes for today's date. You needed something simple, yet appealing, so you decided to put on black jeans and white blouse. Satisfied with your appearance, you left the house and headed to a park.

It was getting pretty dark outside and it appeared it was going to rain soon. You pulled out your phone to call your date, but in that moment the screen lighted up. It was Thomas' message, saying: "Meet me at park's restaurant. I don't want you to get soaked."
Impressed by his concerns, you headed to a restaurant. Only a second passed since your entrance before it started raining.
"Thank god... Y/N?!"
You looked around and saw...Tom, your ex, the reason you moved from Washington.
"What are you doing here, Tom? What are you doing in LA?"
"I had been talking to a girl for a long time and we decided to meet here, so I had travelled from Washington to meet her."
Then everything made sense in your mind. It was Tom Wilson you were talking to, you were falling for all over again.
"Oh my God," you mumbled and buried your head in hands. You moved to LA to escape your past, to escape your pain and now there you were, facing him again. Your memories came back with a lightning speed.
"I-I have to go."
"No, Y/N, please. Can we at least talk? Please?"
"There is nothing left to say, Tom. You had your chance and you blew it. How's your mistake going? Or is there another mistake?"
Aware of other guests looking at you, Tom grabbed your hand and pulled you out, on a rain.
"Let me go!"
"No until you hear what I have to say."
Even though you tried to pull away, you realized you stood no chances. He was too strong and beside that, determined to explain everything.
"Then do it. Tell me what you have to."
"Thank you. First of all, I am sorry. I know that's not enough, but I really am. And I am willing to prove it by any ways necessary. When you left, I realized what I had had," he quietly confessed. His voice was shaky and you felt your heart melting. But forgiving him wasn't that easy.
"I loved you, Tom. And I trusted you."
"I know. And I am sorry for betraying your trust. I shouldn't have done it, I know it."
You looked at him and spotted sadness in his eyes. He truly was sorry and you truly wanted to forgive him.
"No, you shouldn't have. Now, I have to go. It was good to see you though."
Before he had a chance to see your tears, you ran away, cold rain whipping your face.

Next day you were laying in your bed, remembering every good and bad thing with Tom. You were sure you were over it, but seeing him had brought all the memories back. Out of the blue, your door bell rang.
Wondering who could a visitor be, you practically ran down the stairs and opened the door. When you saw who had visited you, your hand flew to your mouth. It was Tom, standing there with a huge bouquet of red roses and grinning shyly: "Thought it'd be nice to bring you roses. Look, I know I screwed up, but I want you to know you are the one for me. I'm sorry it took me so long to finally realize but... these are for you," he handed you a bouquet.
You took it, still speechless and surprised. Even in your wildest dreams you couldn't imagine anyone coming to your house with a huge bouquet of roses.
"I understand if you don't want to take me back, but I would like to ask you for one last chance. Only one. I can prove you I love you, Y/N."
"I don't know, Tom."
"I see," he said quietly and for a moment it seemed he was going to walk away.
"One more thing," he suddenly added and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. Even though it was surely not your first kiss with him, but it was without a doubt the sweetest and the most unforgettable. When he pulled away, you were both breathless and you were sure he wasn't lying.

Another month passed when you finally took him back and moved back to Washington. He kept his promises and never even looked at any other girl. Moving back to Washington was the best choice you had ever made. Beside taking him back.

For SadieSummers , hope you like it & thanks again for Mike Eruzione imagine :D

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