38. #47 Torey Krug (Boston Bruins)

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For bruinslove47gem, hope that's what you had in mind and I hope you'll like it! :)

You and Torey were everything that represented a perfect couple to the other people. Of course you fought, but you weren't mad for each other for long time. And another trait you shared as a dream couple was your sporty nature. Him being a professional hockey player and you being a professional gym trainer, one of the best in Boston to be exact, you really understood each other's needs for sport and constant moving. One day, your love for sport nearly got you killed...

~~March 2013~~

It is at the end of a hard-working Friday, when you get home all sweaty and tired. Your only wish is to take a hot shower and crawl under blankets with a good book.

"Babe, is that you?" Torey calls you, not sounding tired at all.

"Yes, Torey," you shout back and drop your gym bag on the floor. Hardly feeling your own legs, you stumble into your living room and collapse on your couch. Torey sits down next to you, puts your legs on his lap and starts massaging your exhausted leg muscles. You close your eyes and exhale deeply: "Gosh, thank you, Torey. How did you know I needed this?"
He chuckles: "We are both athletes, remember? And you are always the one who takes care of me after my practices or games."

You exchange a look, your E/C eyes locking with Torey's brown. You share a smile in which it's all the love you have for each other. As a couple, you became so connected, you can communicate with no words, only small smiles and exchanged looks.

"How was practice?" you ask your boyfriend.

"Great, actually. Listen, Y/N, I was thinking...maybe to connect us more as a couple... what do you think about doing the Boston Marathon together? I mean, all of the guys will go and mostly with their girlfriends or wives."

While asking you this, he is nervously biting his lips, apparently scared you'd say no.

"Of course we'll to the Marathon together, Krugie. We'll show everyone what a power couple we are."

"That's my girl," Torey smiles, puts your legs off his lap and leans over you, your lips connecting into a sweet and heated kiss.

The next day you wake up with Torey's arm tightly wrapped around you. he is snoring lightly, making you smile for yourself. You turn around so you are facing him. You hug his features with your eyes, quietly wondering how did you manage to catch this man's eyes. Sure, you are attractive as well and you have no troubles with attracting men's looks, but when you met Torey, your first thought was he was out of your league. And now, a year later, you two are known as "the best sports couple".

"Are you awake?" raspy voice whispers next to you.

"Yes," you whisper back and smile.

"How did you sleep?"
"Like a baby. And you?"
"Had the sweetest dreams. They included you, me and Boston Marathon."
"You are being so cheesy,"

He places a kiss on your forehead : "So, shall we start today? With preparations for the Marathon?"

In a second you are up: "Why are you still in a bed then, lazy bum?"

Laughing, he gets up and wraps his hands around you, pulling you into a hug. You hug him back quickly before moving away from him: "Come on, we have some running to do!"

You both eat nutritious breakfast and less than half an hour later you are both ready for your running practice. Just before you leave your home, Torey pulls you into a hug and kisses you lightly. You kiss him back and mumble in his lips: "We really have to go."

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