103. #20 Taylor Raddysh (Erie Otters)

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For christiandvorak , hopefully you will like it :)          

Dylan Strome – Midget Player of the Year in 2013, part of World U-17 Hockey Challenge All-Star Team in 2014, CHL Top Scorer Award winner (with Conor Garland) and three different OHL honors in 2015: part of Second All-Star Team, winner of Eddie Powers Memorial and William Hanley trophies. And among all those spectacular titles, your older brother. Meaning, he watches over everything you do and everyone you hang out with as a hawk, always keeping a watchful eye over his sister. 

Yet somehow, you managed to get a boyfriend... to make things even more interesting, your brother's teammate at Erie Otters, nineteen-year-old Taylor Raddysh, And when you two met, you somehow never got to tell him who you are related to. Now, a few months later, you still haven't told him his teammate is your older brother. Probably because you know Taylor would be terrified of the idea of your brother knowing about your relationship and possibly even worse, controlling every movement.

"Y/N, why don't you want me to meet your family? You have already met mine and they loved you..."
"I don't know, Tay, I guess... I don't know," you sigh and turn your face to his, but he is staring at the ceiling, his arm loosely wrapped around your waist as you cuddle on his bed.

When he finally turns to you, his eyes reflect some kind of sadness you never expected from him: "Do you have serious intentions with us, Y/N/N?"
"Of course I do! Where did you get the idea I wouldn't have serious intentions?"

"You never talk about your family, you don't want me to meet them..."

He turns to face you and smiles sadly: "Too complicated for us to work?"
"No. I will tell you everything one day. Just not yet."

"Just promise me everything is okay between us. I don't want to lose you..."

"I promise everything is okay between us."
"Good. It would be a bit awkward if I introduced my girlfriend to my teammates and we would break up shortly after."
That gets your attention. His teammates.... You pray your brother is not included, you hope he can't make it.

"Y-Your teammates? As the ones at the Otters?"
"Yes, of course I mean the Otters. They are like my second family."

"When did you plan me to meet them?"
"Actually, I invited them over today. In fact, they should be here soon. Nothing big, I promise, just some pizzas and movies. Some of them will bring their girlfriends along..."

"And you didn't bother to tell me they are coming over?"

You don't even realize when you jump on your feet, but when you say that, you are standing up, hands on your hips and a great feeling of rage overtaking your mind. Taylor seems honestly surprised by your outburst. Even though you haven't been going out for long, he has seen you laugh, cry, shout, throw tantrum, but has never witnessed your transformation into enraged woman.

"I-I thought you would like that... they are a bunch of very nice guys, I promise."

"I am out. Call me when they are gone," you open the door only to bump into someone.



You look up and see your brother's familiar curls, his brown eyes and slight smirk.

"Uh, hi, Dy. W-what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question. What are you doing at Raddysh' place?"

"We were...hanging out?"

If it wasn't for Taylor, you could probably get away with it. But lucky for you (or more, unlucky for you), Taylor decides to join. He puts his hand softly on your hip, which is not something your brother is willing to ignore. You notice his eyes jump from Taylor's hand on your hip to your eyes and then finally to Taylor: "What am I missing here?"
"Whoa, Dy, don't be jealous. You have Kennedy and this beautiful girl is..."
"Have you met? Y/N/N, you have met Dylan and never told me that?"
"Hey, she didn't meet me. I am her brother. And can someone please tell me, what is going on?"

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