37. #87 Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins)

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For sidneycrosbae, hope it's okay ;) I will make part 2 for sure and it will be about wedding:) thank you all for your patience!:)

You and Sid have been together for a long time now and it was only matter of time when an engagement ring will appear on your finger. It does bother you a bit when your friends brag about how their boyfriends proposed them, but they have all been in a relationship less than you and Sid. One day, you meet with your friends, all your schoolmates from the university.

Nadja, a Russian student which stayed in the USA with her new boyfriend asks you, her thick Russian accent filling little booth you are sitting in: "How are you and Sid doing?"
"Great... How are you and Nicholas?"

She lifts her hand and reveals beautiful engagement ring adorning her pale and long finger. The glimmer of the diamond nearly blinds you. And you are not the only one. Greta, an American with Swedish and German ancestors, nags: "Are you intending to blind us?"

"Sorry," Nadja apologizes and puts her hand down.

"Girls, before I forget...I am getting married as well," Veronica declares, making your little group look at her in awe.

"You? You are getting married? A girl who used to say she'd rather die alone than tie a knot?" asks Annie, nearly choking on her beer.

"Well, times are changing. What about you, Y/N? Has Sid already asked you?"

You look down at your lap as you admit quietly: "No. Maybe he doesn't love me that much..."

"Don't be stupid," Nadja cuts you in mid-sentence.

"Yeah, Nadja's right. Y/N, Sid loves you. Everyone can see that."

Against your will, you whine: "Why he hasn't proposed me yet?"
Annie, being the most romantic girl in the group, says: "Maybe he is planning something you'd remember for ever."
"Trust me, with a ring on my finger, I wouldn't forget," you answer her, silently hoping she was right. Every girl dreams of a proposal that shakes her world. And you were not an exception.

"Come on, Y/N, you can't lie to us. You wish to be thrown off your feet when he proposes you."

You put your hands up in a sign of surrender: "Okay, okay, girls, you know me way too well."

"Of course we do. We are your best mates."

"Can't argue about that," you laugh, your worries forgotten. "Oh, and Ronnie," you call Veronica by her nickname," congratulations."

She flashes you a smile and says loudly: "Thank you. So, since I am the newly engaged... All drinks on me."

Your entire group, including you, clap loudly, attracting few weird looks from the other bar customers.

Few hours later your return to your and Sid's shared apartment. Your vision is a bit blurry from all the drinks you and your friends had. Surprisingly, the apartment is empty even though Sid doesn't have a game or a practice.

"Sid!" you yell, suddenly sobered up by the fear. Still, no response.

"Sidney Patrick Crosby!" you yell, this time louder and with more desperation in your voice. No response. Nuts from worries, you collapse on your couch, pulling your knees closer to your chest. Through the tears you notice a shadow moving behind the curtain and you wipe your tears away. Fear is still filling your chest, but you are determined to fight a person that appears to be a robber. You quietly move to a closet in which Sid keeps his equipment and pull one of his sticks out. More confident with a weapon in your hands, you raise your voice: "Who's there? I am calling a police."

The hiding person starts chuckling and you realize Sid has just pranked you.

"Come out, Sid! It's gonna be less painful if you come out."
"Ma'am, yes, ma'am," his tall figure materializes from that scary shadow, huge goofy grin on his face, revealing his perfect white teeth.

"You scared me to death!" you smack his arm.

"Come on, baby, it was nothing," he answers, still smiling. You huff and turn away from him, letting him know he pissed you off.

"Baby! Sweetie please, I am sorry."

"And I am tired. Night, Sid."

The next morning you wake up next to the empty bed and with a killing headache.
"Oh, god," you groan to yourself and slam your head on the pillow, closing your eyes.

"I am never drinking again."

Loudly, the door open and reveal Sid, wearing his Pens jersey and a tray with a break fast.

"Guilty conscience much, huh?" you ask and gladly take a tray with a freshly squeezed orange juice and your favorite cupcakes.

"Maybe... or maybe I just wanted to surprise my beautiful...fiancée?" he says the last word more like a question than a statement. For a second you don't realize what he's just said, you are to busy admiring beautiful diamond heart on a silver ring, which is sitting on a top of a cupcake with a baby blue glaze.

Unintentionally, tears start to gather in your eyes and you hear Sidney's worried voice: "Y/N, baby, are you okay?"
"Is- Is this real?" you ask him, finally looking up at him. Your red eyes meet his loving hazel eyes and you realize how much you love this man.

"It is baby. Everything is real. I know it's not an extravagant proposal, but I didn't want to share this special moment with the entire Pittsburgh. So, Y/F/N, since you are the only girl I've ever loved, imagined being with her for the rest of our lives and growing old with, since you are the only girl that makes my knees go weak whenever I see you and since you are the only girl who can cope with my ups and downs, will you marry me?"

"Sidney Patrick Crosby, you are the best thing that has happened to me in a while and spending every second with you is a new adventure. Dealing with your downs is a tough job, but I love doing it since there is no thing in this world I wouldn't do for you. So, yes, my love, I will marry you and adopt a grown up man."

His face light up when you accept his proposal and he takes your face in his hands which has fought a lot, scored a lot of goals and practiced many drills, but this time their only mission is to make you feel loved and protected. He pulls your face in for a kiss, sweeter and more passionate than ever, promising you more to come. You bury your hands in his hair, pulling his face closer.

Minutes later, when you are both out of breath, he pulls away and takes a diamond ring out of the cupcake. He gets on one knee and repeats his question, his voice breaking from tears he's holding in this time: "Y/F/N, the love of my crazy life, I am kneeling here in front of you to ask you one question. Will you, Y/F/N, show me this honor and become my wife?"
"Yes, Sidney Patrick Crosby, I will. Ask me anytime and my answer will be the same. I love you."

He slips a ring on your finger and kisses it: "I love you too, beautiful."

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