50. #6 Bobby Ryan (Ottawa Senators)

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When your plane lands on Ottawa's airport, you realize it's real. Your worst fears came true when you got a letter from your office that you have been transferred to Ottawa's branch of a bank you've been working for three years now. You had to leave your ill parents, your life behind and head into unknown. Now you are here with nothing but one suitcase and a backpack, broken dreams and a wish to return home as soon as possible. It was hard enough leaving your parents behind, your mother chronically sick and your father paralyzed from the waist down, but leaving your hometown for a job that was worse-paid... no, you don't care about money that much, you just send half of your paycheck to your parents.

And now this is going to be harder...

With your suitcase rolling behind you, you step out and look around yourself. Grey sky welcomes you and you suddenly wish to get on a first plane flying to your hometown and get away from your new life, but you think of your parents and sigh deeply, entering your new life.

You take the first taxi that stops and tell him the address of a building where your new job is waiting for you.

"New girl in town, eh?"
"Yeah. Is that obvious?"
"Well, grabbed a taxi on an airport, you are carrying a bag...I'd say it's pretty obvious. And your accent is different. Where are you from?"
"California. Got transferred here."
"Oh, sunny California. Hope you'd like it here."
"So do I."

A driver smiles in a mirror and after twenty minutes you stop in front of a building, made of glass.

"Good luck in your new life," the driver smiles at you when you pay and you return him a small smile: "Thank you, I'll need it."

"You'll do just fine, kiddo. Here, take my card in case you'll ever need taxi again."

You take the card from his hands and smile at him again: "Thank you so much...Seth," you add after you look at the name on the card.

He just nods and drives away, leaving you on your own. With a deep sigh, you enter the building and tell your name to a secretary. She sends you up to the highest floor and continues manicuring her fingers. Luckily, you are alone in an elevator and you don't have to talk to anyone.

When you step out the elevator, you knock on a mahogany door.

"Come on in!" male voice calls you in and you shyly enter the office: "Uh, good morning. I am Y/F/N and I've just been transferred from California."
"Ah, Y/N. We are glad to have you here."

"Thank you. I hope I'll do fine with you."
"So do I. Have you bought an apartment?"
"Excuse me? T-they told me in California that you took care of that..."
"No. Sorry to tell you that, miss Y/L/N, but we didn't."

"Oh. Thank you for seeing me, Mr. Walters," you shake your new boss' hand after not knowing what to do. You've just arrived to a new town and you don't have an apartment.

"Y/N, I don't know how much money are you willing to invest or how long will you stay here, but I would suggest you to rent a place with someone else. It will be half less expensive."
He hands you a piece of paper with contact and addresses of those who are renting an apartment or looking for a roommate.

"Thank you, sir," you smile before heading out. When the door close behind you, you pull out your phone and start calling numbers. Few of them don't pick up the phone, few of them are not renting apartments anymore and few of them already have other people waiting for a place to stay.

"This one is the last try," you say to yourself and call a number.


"Hello, did I get Monika Caryk?"

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