29. #88 Patrick Kane (Chicago Blackhawks)

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Five months and countless fantastic dates with him, Patrick finally decided to introduce you to his parents. Meeting his family meant a huge step in a relationship to you and also a proof he has serious intentions with you. The idea of meeting his parents came out of the blue when you two were cuddling on a sofa in his Chicago apartment. He had his arm wrapped around you shoulders and you two were talking about how you had been growing up. He told you how his parents were supporting him all along on his path to become a NHL superstar, told you how much dedication and giving up it had taken to be where he was now.
"But it was worth it?" you ask him and look up at his eyes. His eyes meet yours and he sighed: "It was. Beside everything, beside living my dreams, I met you."
"Thank god you ended up in Chicago."
"Thank god I met you. Uh, Y/N... I think it's time to...maybe meet my parents?"
You gasp, surprised to hear him ask that and also honored he even considered you meeting his parents.
"You mean like...girlfriend meeting parents?"
"Yeah? Is there any other way of meeting parents?"
"Maybe like introducing a friend to your parents?"
"A friend? Baby, we are far beyond friends. We've been dating for five months."
"I know, but it sounds so romantic when you say I am your girlfriend. You know, catching a professional athlete is something many girls want...and telling me I am your girlfriend makes me feel special."
He pecks tip of your nose: "You are special to me. So, are we up for a little trip to Buffalo?"
"Yeah. But are you sure they're gonna like me?"
"Positive. You are the sweetest and the most loyal girl I've ever laid eyes on. I am sure they will approve you."
"I hope so," you answer, still worried.
"Don't worry, baby doll," he whispers, making you feel like the only girl in the entire world, which you are for him. He says that in a way that really washes away your fears.

You land in New York in the early morning, making you exhausted and a bit grumpy. Since your flight was at six in the morning, you and Pat didn't get much sleep and you are both tired-looking. Pat helps you pick up your luggage and you enter the waiting area of New York's airport hand in hand.
"Are they waiting for us?" you ask him and start biting your nails nervously.
"Yeah, they should be somewhere 'round here. Ah, there they are. Mom! Dad!" he waves his hand and soon you notice his parents, standing near the entrance.
"Patrick!" his mom yells as soon as she notices the two of you. When she approaches the two of you, you notice how disapprovingly she is looking at you. You gulp hard, but stretch your arm: "Hi, you must be Patrick's mom. I am Y/N. It's nice to finally meet you, Patrick told me a lot about you."
"So we finally meet Pat's mysterious girl," she smiles, but her smile seems forced and not really honest. For the first time you wish you were back in Chicago, alone with Patrick. You look at him, trying to get his assurance everything is fine and you are just imagining you are not welcome, but he seems blind for his mother's disapproval.

Later that day, his parents prepare delicious lunch and it seems to you everything is going to be alright.
"So, Pat, how's the NHL going?" his father asks him and flashes you a small smile.
"NHL's going great, dad. Oh, Jonathan ordered me to give you his regards."
"And how's Jonathan doing? I knew he'd make a great captain."
"We couldn't wish for a better captain."
Few minutes pass in silence before his father turns to you: "So, Y/N, how did you and Patrick met?"
"We've met on a hockey game. He was the first one to help me when I got a puck in my head."
"That had to hurt."
"It did. But luckily, Patrick helped me and even escorted me to their team doctor."
"So you used him to get the best assistance?"
"What? No, I didn't even ask for that."
"Mom, what are you applying to? Y/N would never do that."
"If you say so. I just don't want you to get used."
"Mom!" Patrick stands up from the table and shoves his chair away.
"We just want the best for you, Pat."
"Y/N is the best for me. Come on, sweetie, we are leaving."
"Sit down."
It surprises you how, even though he is an adult himself and independent, he still listens to his father. In a next moment he is sitting down, his hand resting on your knee.
"Y/N, may I have a word with Patrick in private?"
"She can stay here."
"It's okay, Pat. I'll wait," you say quietly and brush your palm against skin of his neck when you get up. He looks up at you and smiles lightly.
You head to the living room and sit on a comfortable sofa, but you are too nervous to relax. What if his parents convince him you are not good enough?
"No, he cannot be that easily convinced," whispers a voice in your head.
"But those are his parents," another voice argues.
"Shut up!" you explode and shake your head in exactly the same moment as the door open and Pat's mother says your name.
"Excuse me?"
You look at her, at her furious expression and you feel guilty even though you did absolutely nothing wrong.
"I am sorry, I really didn't see you there. I di-"
"Last time I checked you were just a visitor in my house," she informs you coldly and turns on her heel.
"By the way, Patrick asked me to bring you back."
Door behind her back closes and you stay silent for few moments before following her.
The rest of the lunch passes by slowly and in an uncomfortable silence which bothers you and it also seems Pat has noticed it because he speaks more than usually.
As soon as your plates are empty, Patrick looks at you: "Want me to show you around?"
Glad to escape uncomfortable silence, you answer with a slight smile: "I'd love to."
Huge grin draws on his face as he pecks tip of your nose, right in front of his parents.
"Mom, dad, we'll be back soon. I want to show Y/N around."
"But I thought you were visiting us."
"We are, but Y/N has never been in Buffalo. Come on, baby."

Patrick shows you his favorite places in his hometown and you end up sitting on front of the ice hall where Pat started his hockey path.
"I am so sorry for my parents' reactions. They never make such a circus..."
"It's okay. Uh, I maybe know why your mom hates me..."
"It's about how you shouted 'Shut up!'? She told me about that..."
"I wasn't talking to her. You know me. I was just... having an inner argument."
"I know you would never say anything like that. That's one of the things I love about you. You never want to insult anyone."
He places a light kiss on your forehead and you chuckle. You remain hugged in a silence for a while before you mumble quietly: "How can I make things work with your parents? I don't want them to dislike me..."
"We'll figure something out. Wanna grab a snow cone?"
"Yes, please," you smile and take his hand.

In the evening you come back to his family home and his parents are in a living room, apparently waiting for you. As soon as your feet touch the wooden floor of their living room, words burst out of your mouth: "I am so sorry for shouting 'shut up' earlier. I really didn't know you were behind me otherwise I'd never say that. I was having inner argument and..."
"It's okay. I overreacted. And I jumped to conclusions before even thinking about it."
Her lips curve into a smile and she says gently: "Pat was right. You are the best for him and I am sorry I didn't see that earlier."
Her husband continues: "We are really happy Patrick found you. Honestly, we've never a girl who would be a kind and humble as you are."
"I am sorry for treating you badly and not giving you a chance when we met."
"I understand. You want the best for your son. I'd be the same," you smile lightly and look up at Patrick's glimmering eyes.
"Thank you," he mouths while his arm snakes around your waist, pulling you into embrace.

After dinner, you decide to help Patrick's mother with washing the dishes, leaving Patrick and his father alone to talk about sports. You know how much Patrick appreciates spending time with his father, who is a huge sport enthusiast, and to be honest, spending some time with your future mother-in-law can't hurt you.
Eventhough you didn't get along at first, you enjoy spending time with her. By the way she is talking about Patrick's childhood, his school, his prom, you realize how proud she really is of him. You stop for a second and just look at her.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just... I want to tell you I'd never hurt Patrick."
"I know that now. I see the way you are looking at him. Like there is no one else. And that reminds me of myself when I was your age. You know, I met Patrick's dad when I was twenty-two and it was love at the first sight. But he was considered as wild and no good for me. But I never gave up on him. And the way you are looking at Pat reminds me of how I was looking at him. Like he was the best thing in the world."
"He is the best thing in the world," you whisper and smile lightly, feeling kinda honored she told you about her past. She returns you a smile and you both quietly continue your work.

Just before your eyes close, you hear Patrick ask quietly: "So, what do you think about my parents?"
"I like them. They really care for you."
"Sometimes too much. Listen, I am really sorry about my mom's attitude."
"It's okay. We talked about it and I understand her."
You snuggle to him and rest your head on his chest: "Thank you for introducing me to your parents."
"Thank you for going with me. I love you, Y/N."
"Love you more, Pat. And I always will."

For gexrgiegirl , hope you like it and so so sorry for the wait:(

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