26. #73 Tyler Toffoli ft. Darryl Sutter (LA Kings) Part 2

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Three months ago you met Tyler Toffoli and chemistry between the two of you was undeniable. Just before you left, you exchanged numbers.
And now, two months later, you are in LA again. Even more, you are secretly in a relationship with Tyler. Of course your uncle suspects nothing, otherwise he wouldn't allow you to go to practices with him. Just like two months ago, you always sit down behind players' bench and are paying attention to their practice, your eyes wandering time-to-time in Tyler's direction. Whenever no one is watching, especially not his coach, he waves and winks at you. And whenever you can, you return him a wave with a shy grin.
At first you were really hesitant to dating Tyler, especially since your uncle had strictly forbidden you to date any of his players. And your uncle's word meant a lot to you. But after few dates with Tyler you realized your uncle maybe wanted the best for you, unfortunately for him, Tyler was the best for you. You couldn't wish for a better, sweeter, more fiercely loyal boyfriend.

When your uncle goes off the ice for few minutes, Tyler is hanging on a board next moment.
"Enjoying what you see?" he asks cheekily and reveals perfect white teeth.
"I enjoy watching my uncle yelling at you boys," you answer and chuckle lightly at his expression.
"That's not even remotely funny," he pouts and you laugh louder.
"Go back there, Ty. I'll see you after the practice, okay?"
"Deal," he leans over to kiss you, but you lightly push him away: "Not here, Ty. My uncle could be back any minute."
Pushing him away was hard for you, especially because you've been dying to kiss him since you saw him in a complete hockey gear.

Every time he does something perfectly, he looks at you, quickly winks and beckons with him arm something you interpret like "This is for you". and watching him do that makes your heart flutter. But no matter how much you feel honored, you are also afraid someone might realize what is happening between you two and your uncle would surely break it up.

After the practice, you follow your uncle to his office. For the entire time, he is quiet and that makes you nervous.
"Uncle Darryl, is there something wrong?"
"You tell me, Y/N. You seem a bit off whenever I look at you."
Quietly, you exhale. He doesn't know about you and Tyler, thank God.
"Nothing's wrong, uncle. I promise. I just enjoy watching your practices."
He grins a bit: "Told you, making them feel worthless motivates them."
"It really does. But... don't they hate you?"
"Even if they do, they know what's good for them. As long as they respect me, they don't have to fear anything."
Yep, your uncle certainly doesn't let his player behave like wild animals with skates on their feet and sticks in their hands. Before you can answer, your phone vibrates. First you make sure your uncle is not watching, only then you check your phone.
"I am done. Where are you?"
"My uncle's office. 5 mins," you quickly type back and slip your phone back in a pocket.
"Who was that?"
"Uh... mom. She wants to know how I am doing."
"Oh. And what did you tell her?"
"I said I have never had that much fun in my life. Really, uncle, I enjoy every second in LA."
"Glad to hear that, Y/N. Now, I need to check some papers... can you wait for me at the entrance, please?"
"Yeah, sure," you say already on the door. As soon as he turns his back to the papers, your turn around, close the door and sprint down the hall.
"Tyler!" you whisper as soon as you see his structure and his hockey bag next to him.
You run in his arms and he lifts you up: "I thought something was wrong. Does your uncle know about us?"
"No. He just wanted to know whether I am okay."
"And what did you say?"
"I said I've never been better."
He smiles and kisses you. His warm lips cover yours and for a second you forget you are in the middle of the hallway. Until someone clears his throat. You jump apart and first thought that comes to your mind is your uncle saw you. but luckily, it was only one of his team mates.
"Toffoli, finally got a girl? Well, that's a surprise," grins his team mate.
Tyler blushes dark red and wraps his hand over your waist protectively: "Y/N, this is Nick Shore, my team mate. Shore, this is Y/N."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Do you happen to be somehow related to our coach?"
"How did you know? I am his niece."
"He's been keep telling us how proud he is of his niece, how talented she is, how smart. Is it true that he used to teach you skating?"
"Yeah, he did. He is a pretty good coach."
"I am sure he didn't yell at you like he does at us."
"Well, you must deserve it then," you joke.
"Sometimes we do," Nick answers and moves his bag from his left arm to his right before he continues: "I gotta run. See you later, Toffoli. And, Y/N, it's was nice to meet coach's wonder niece."
He waves at Tyler and winks at you before he walks through the door.
Tyler looks at you: "I thought it was coach."
"Don't mention. So did I."
Out of relief, you start laughing quietly. After few moments, Tyler asks, slightly concerned: "Uh, just one question. How would your uncle react if he saw you with me?"
"Y/N? Tyler? What is going on?"
Your turn around and your eyes widen. With a stack of papers in his hands, you uncle is coming down the hall and he doesn't look pleased to see you talking and laughing with Tyler.
"U-Uncle. Tyler was just keeping my company. Right, Tyler?"
"Yeah. I didn't want to leave her alone in here."
"Thank you. But you better stay away from her."
Tyler lifts his arms in sign he will keep his hands away from him. Your uncle looks at him again suspiciously before he turns to you: "Let's go home, Y/N."
You follow your uncle out of the Staples Center, but just before you exit the building, you turn around and wave at Tyler. Tyler returns you a wave with a wink.

In the evening, your uncle is out on some kind of a meeting and you are home alone. You try to watch a movie, but you can't shake the memory of that close call earlier in the Staples out of your head. Thinking of it makes you think of Tyler and before you can think of consequences, you pull out your phone and call him.
"Ty, it's me."
"Y/N, what's up? Didn't expect your call."
"Can't I call my boyfriend?" you chuckle.
"I am glad you called. I missed you."
"I missed you too. Listen, are you free?"
"Yeah... why?"
"My uncle's out. Maybe you could come over?"
"I'd love to, but...what if your uncle comes back soon?"
"He won't. Pleaseeeee," you pout.
After he sighs, you know, you've convinced him.
"Fine. I'll be at your house in ten."
"Can't wait."

Ten minutes after, a doorbell rings and you fly to the door.
"Hello there," grins Tyler and pulls you in for a kiss. You kiss him back and pull him in a house. When you two pull apart, he takes a good look of the house and chuckles: "Wow, being a coach s not that bad, eh? This house is amazing."
"Guess it's not that bad," you answer and grab his hand. Dragging him deeper into the house, you ask him whether he wants to watch a movie.
"Sounds great. What do you have?"
When he sits down on a couch, you put the movies in front of him. After minutes he decides for Alien. As the movie starts you cuddle up to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. At scary parts you bury your head in a crook of his neck, making him laugh lightly.
"Are you scared, baby?"
"Not really a fan of this kind of movies, that's all."
Without answer, he lifts your head and kisses you. But when he leans on you and pins you against the pillows, you hear a car stop in front of your uncle's house.
"Shit! Tyler, stop."
You push him away and listen carefully. Hearing footsteps, you freak out: "Tyler, I think my uncle is back. Quick, get out through the back door."
He gets off you and you straighten your shirt.
"Where can I go out?" he whispers. You get up and lead him down the hall. As soon as you close the sliding door behind him, you hear your uncle walk in.
Quickly, you run back to the living room and plop yourself on couch.
"Evening, uncle. How was your meeting?"
"Where is Toffoli and what was he doing here?"
"Tyler Toffoli?" you ask, pretending to be surprised.
"Y/N, his car is right in front of my door. Where is he?"
"I-I. How do you know it's his car?"
"Honey, I know all of my players and I know which car is everyone of them driving."
He walks past you and into a living room.
"He was here, wasn't he?"
"No, he wasn't."
"I smell his cologne. Y/F/N, where is he?"
You have never seen your uncle upset with you and that breaks you.
"Okay, he was here," you admit.
"He still is. Tell me, how far could he get without shoes?"
Your uncle seems to be having fun even though he is a bit pissed off. It must be entertaining to him, seeing you try to lie.
In the most awkward moment, Tyler opens the sliding door: "Y/N, can I-" he sees your uncle and blushes like crazy: "Get my shoes, please? Evening, sir."
"Come on in, Tyler," your uncle invites him in and you realize he's probably already figured it out that you two were in a relationship.
Tyler looks at you, but you look down. You just can't look at him right now. After all, it was your fault your uncle found out about you.
"So, Tyler, would you mind telling me what are you doing here?"
"Uh... I was just hanging out with Y/N."
"Just hanging out? I am sure you could hang out with her in a park, am I right?"
"I could, but..."
"Uncle, stop. It's my fault. I called him."
"Out of everyone you know, you called one of my players? Who you've known for a short time? Is there something more?"
You gulp hard and mumble: "We are kinda dating."
"We've been dating for two months now, sir."
"Is that so? Toffoli, you better not try to use her, are we clear? At least if you want to play in the NHL."
"I would never do that, sir!"
"Good. Now get out. And I want to see you tomorrow at the practice."
Tyler nods and just before he runs out, he pulls you to him and kisses you right in front of your uncle.
As soon as the door close, your uncle turns to you: "Eventhough I forbade you to date anyone of my players, I guess it could've been worse. Just...be careful."
"I will, uncle Darryl!" you promise and hug him for not forbidding you to date Tyler.

Well, sneaking around ended for you, but you realized your uncle knows his team way too much to hide something like that from him. Tyler is keeping his promise and never does anything to hurt you.

Part 2 for SadieSummers , i hope you'll like it!:)

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