108. #16 Mitch Marner (Toronto Maple Leafs)

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~Clarington Toros (Ontario Minor Hockey Association – OMHA)~

Thirteen years ago, you and your brother were inseparable. They say the bond between twins is stronger that any other bond between siblings and you two were a living proof for it. You loved watching him play as a seven-year-old against players, who were about a year older and he loved watching you play volleyball whenever he had any spare time. Sometimes, you even joined him for the pick up games...but that didn't mean no one was annoyed by that...

Mitch helps you put on your gear and makes sure everything is done correctly, so you won't get hurt. Then he kneels and ties up your skates: "Are you ready?"
"I guess... thank you, Mitchy," you smile and giggle as he pouts: "Just don't throw me off the team."

It is something normal and usual for the both of you – two seven-year-olds, both brunettes and with shared love for team sports. Team means second family to both of you, even at your early age. You already have big dreams, which you hope will come true one day. Get a scholarship and an offer from either Stanford University or Penn's State. Or maybe University of Michigan.

He pulls your hair gently: "You should cut your hair. And join us."
"No, I like volleyball. And my hair. Girls have long hair, you know? So we can wear ponytails and braids."

To that he doesn't find the answer. Maybe also because it's time to hit the ice. On your way out, one of the older guys from Mitch's team stops you: "You don't belong here."
"I do more than you do," you don't let him intimidate you. He squints his eyes, but that doesn't scare you...that much. You know guys on Mitch's team, despite being only eight years old, can hit pretty hard. Still, you don't let some guy, who is not nearly as good as Mitch scare you before the game.

~London Knights (Ontario Hockey League – OHL)

In 2013 Mitch joins OHL's London Knights. You are happy for him, sure, but now he is going to live his life two hours away from you. Not that far away, but far enough for sixteen-year-olds, who were used to living under the same roof and have had a bond anyone could be jealous of. Yet you still go to his games and sometimes your parents even let you stay with him in his apartment over the weekend. Under one condition, of course. Actually, two. You have to promise them you will behave and listen to him and all the schoolwork has to be done.

During one of your stays, he introduces you to his teammates. It surprises you two of his teammates are twins – Ryan and Matt Rupert, nineteen-year-old forwards who have been playing for Knights for 3 seasons already, since 2010. As you spend more and more time together, you find yourself catching feelings for Ryan despite knowing he is a hotheaded forwards, who has had 120 penalty minutes during his second season with the Knights. But somehow, his tough-guy persona attracts you. not only that, you fall for his wittiness and sense of humor, how he takes everything like some kind of a joke. Not to mention what a gentleman he can be, but only when no one is around. However, things can turn really ugly when you argue. Well, after all, there is a three-year difference between the two of you and you can both be pretty stubborn.

One day, during one of the weekends you stay with Mitch in London, you decide to switch environment and spend some time with Ryan at the twins' apartment. When you arrive, Matt's already heading out. When he sees you, he smiles a bit : "Look at who is here...No Mitch?"
"Nah, I don't need him on my back 24/7. Especially not when I am with Ry."

"He really doesn't have to see everything you two do..."
You blush a bit: "You made it sound like it's wrong being in a relationship..."

He only chuckles before waving goodbye and heading out, leaving you alone in their apartment.

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