77. #88 Patrick Kane (Chicago Blackhawks)

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Before I begin, I would like to ask you all to check out aliciadupont 's NHL imagine books. It would be great if you do, she has great stories!:)

Also, I kinda didn't know what to write about, don't really know baseball, so so sorry :/


Growing up in Chicago, you cheer for every team, regardless the sport. Even though you are a hockey fan, the sport you like the most is baseball and the love you have for all of the guys of Chicago Cubs sometimes bother your boyfriend, Patrick Kane of Chicago Blackhawks.

One afternoon, you sit on your bed in oversized Cubs' T-shirt and read your favorite book with headphones in your ear and loud music blasting through them. It has been pouring outside for few days now and you are getting bored. Door to your room open wide, but it takes a bit for you to realize your dad is standing on your door stand. Sighing, you pull white wires out of your ears and look up at him: "What's wrong, dad?"

"Patrick's here. Your mother and I have been calling you for ten minutes."
"Sorry, I didn't hear you...is he still here?"

"He is downstairs, waiting for you."

You put the book on your nightstand, turn off the music, which is still blasting through your headphones and get up to follow your dad downstairs. In the middle of the staircase, he stops and you bump into him: "Y/N, just one more thing. Can you follow me to my office, please?"

"Uh, yeah, sure. What's wrong?"

Your dad turns to you with a huge smile on his cheeks and hands you two Chicago Cubs tickets. You look up at him, your eyes glimmering: "What are those for?"

"Well, I wanted to take your mom out and on the game, but...she is not interested in it. Why don't you take Patrick to the game? He mentioned he has never seen Cubs' game."

"I know that, he has mentioned that."

"Then please take them."

You look at the tickets and look up at your dad: "But the tickets are for tonight's game against White Sox. Are you really giving Pat and I tickets to the game you've been dying to see?"

"Yes. Go and have fun, okay?"

You wrap your arms around your dad and hug him tightly. You know how much he wanted to see this game and giving you his tickets is not really the move you were expecting.

"But you better enjoy the game, okay? And take your keys, your mother and I are going to a restaurant for our anniversary."

"So, let me get this straight. Mom doesn't like baseball and even though you got tickets for the Crosstown Classic, you prefer going out in one probably fancy restaurant."

He smiles: "Kinda. But I somehow expected that, so those tickets were meant for you since the beginning."

He pats your shoulder and leaves the room. On the door stand, he looks at you over his shoulder: "Patrick is still waiting downstairs."

That gets you moving and you clench your fingers tighter around the tickets. As soon as you get down, you parents discreetly leave you and Patrick alone. After a sweet welcome kiss, he holds you on his arm-length and furrows his eyebrows: "Whose shirt is that?"

You roll your eyes at his apparent jealousy: "Ya jealous of a T-shirt?"
"I never see you wearing my jersey..."

He is actually jealous of you wearing Cubs' T-shirt and not his jersey. That makes you grin a bit, which is clearly not the reaction he was expecting. He furrows his eyebrows in annoyance: "Why are you grinning?"

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