62. #72 Artemi Panarin (Chicago Blackhawks)

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For NHLObsessed, I decided to write Artemi Panarin one, because I haven't written about him yet. So here it is (:

You roll over on your bed and look at your best friend wearingly. Since you study in Chicago and she has been living there for quite a while, you decided to live with her and save some money instead of wasting it for over-priced rooms.

"Why do they have to come again?"
"Come on, Y/N. They are my friends."
"I know they are. I have an exam in one week and I should study."
"You should, but binge watching Pretty Little Liars isn't exactly the best way to study, now is it?"

You stick your tongue out and roll your eyes. She is right. You haven't done any studying yet and you've rewatched nearly entire season one to four of Pretty Little Liars. Truth be told, it annoys you a bit that she invites her friends every day and they don't leave until early morning.

"I can't focus on studying with all those people around."

"You always go great along with them, Y/N."
"Not with all of them."
"Are you talking about..."
"Yeah. He is coming over, isn't he?"

She nods her head and starts convincing you: "Y/N, Marcus is a friend of mine and he would like to be your friend..."
"Nope, he is your boyfriend, if I can call him that, and he hates me."

She blushes dark red: "How did you know we are together? It is not that obvious..."
"Except for when you get his text, you start smiling like a moron and blush hard? Nah, it's really not that obvious."

Laughing, you avoid a pillow she threw at you: "You can be so annoying, Y/N!"

"But you love me, Y/F/N!" you answer and roll on the other hip before continuing: "Fine. I will be in my room and read."
"Oh, no. You will hang out with us. I know there will be someone who would like to see you."

"Are you trying to hook me up with someone again? Because that never worked out."

"I promise you won't be sorry. Please, please, please!"

"No. I might come out of the room, but I will not put on a fancy dress. Y/F/N, they are your company, not mine. But, you can tell me how did you and Marcus met."

Her face lights up in a way that tells you she's been dying to have this conversation with you. She plops down on a bed next to you and begins: "Actually we met..."

"Lemme guess...he asked you to meet after the game?"
"No! We met in the line for cinema tickets. It took ages to get to the counter and we started talking. Because he was right behind me in the line, he took a seat next to me."
"So it was like a cinema date, but each one of you bought his own ticket?"
"No, not at all. He invited me to a drink later and I accepted. After that we exchanged numbers, but a week had passed before he called me."

"And now you are in love."

"We could say so. I mean, he is just so adorable and nice..."
"Not that I know. But I am happy for you."

"Are you sure you don't want to meet his friends?"

"Positive. Now, if you excuse me, I would like to study before the ruckus starts."
"You mean watch PLL?"

"Nope, I mean study," you smile and hand her your computer, not expecting her to really take it. But she does and now you really have to study...or read. But you decide to slowly start studying. After all, your exam is close and you really haven't even started.

An hour later you hear your best friend welcoming her guests. You tense up when you hear her welcome Marcus: "Marcus, hi! I am so happy you guys could make it! Who are your friends if I may ask?"

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